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    2018/06/22 09:06
    References for:
    Spanish Articles
    Investing in energy efficiency
    Are Passive Houses cost-effective?
    Economic feasibility of Passive House retrofits
    Thermal Bridges
    Thermal Bridges Catalogue
    Thermal Bridges Catalogue (Full Version)
    Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models
    Thermal comfort parameters
    Energía Primaria Renovable - PER
    Passive House – the next decade | Determining application-specific PER factors
    Renewable primary energy demand in residential buildings with high energy intensity
    Passive House buildings in different climates
    Passive Houses in hot, humid climates
    Mechanical services in tropical climates
    Passive Houses in cold climates
    Yekaterinburg: Parameter variations
    Passive Houses in warm climates
    What is a Passive House?
    EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
    The Passive House Classes: Classic, Plus and Premium
    Quality Assurance
    Quality Assurance: Nuremberg case study
    Quality Assurance - Thermal bridges
    Passive House kindergartens
    Passive House kindergartens in Northern Europe
    Passive House office buildings
    Central Europe
    List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
    List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
    List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
    Airtight construction
    Airtightness and airtightness measurement
    Airtightness measurements in Passive Houses
    Compact HVAC systems
    Heating and DHW
    Heating and DHW – A comparison of different supply systems
    Heat pumps
    Sound generation, sound dispersion and sound proofing in heat pumps
    Parameter variation
    Reduction of the supply air rate in the living room
    Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery
    Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
    Calculating energy efficiency
    Energy balances - Background
    PHPP – Passive House Planning Package
    PHPP calculations in hot and humid climates
    Climate data tool for the Southern Hemisphere
    Climate tools
    Climate Conversion PHPP SI to IP
    Climate Conversion PHPP Versions Tool
    Climate data tool
    Climate data tool for the southern hemisphere
    Commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Cooling tools
    Cooling Systems tool
    Design tools
    Electricity tools
    Heat pump tools
    Hygiene tool
    Monitoring tools
    Non-residential Passive House buildings
    Dynamic response of a commercial kitchen
    Energy balance according to PHPP
    Ventilation in commercial kitchens
    Passive House schools
    Passive House swimming pools
    Refurbishment with Passive House components
    Passive House refurbishment - Mechanical systems
    Passive House refurbishment - thermal envelope
    Airtightness and airtightness measurement
    Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings
    Insulation measures for the external envelope
    Basic principles for windows and windows on refurbished projects
    Passive House refurbishment - ventilation
    Summer Comfort
    Thermal bridge tool
    Thermal bridges tools
    Building envelope
    Thermal insulation
    Thermal protection works
    Passive House windows - requirements
    Required U-values for Passive House windows
    Adapting the certification criteria and glazing for European climate zones
    PHI window certification: previous success and new climate zones
    Installation-based thermal bridges Ψinstall
    outPHit Manufacturing Energy Evaluation Tool (MEET)
    Ventilation tools
    Ventilation tool
    Window tool
    Window tools
    Appliances in commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
    Climate tools
    Climate data tool
    Climate data tool for the southern hemisphere
    Kantinen und Gewerbeküchen
    Commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Compact HVAC systems
    Cooling tools
    Cooling Systems tool
    Design tools
    Domestic hot water in commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Passive House Economics
    Electricity tools
    Energía Primaria Renovable - PER
    EnerPHit-Standard & Funding of EnerPHit-Standard
    General strategies and comfort in commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Heat pump tools
    Hygiene tool
    The impact of warming climate conditions on buildings!
    Monitoring tools
    Nr.13 Energy balances with the Passive House Planning Package
    Nr.15 Passive House Summer Comfort
    Nr.19 Urban planning instruments for the implementation of Passive Houses
    Nr.24 Use of Passive House technologies in the modernisation of old buildings
    Nr.25 Temperature Differentiation in Apartments
    Nr.29 Highly insulated roof construction
    Nr.32 Factor 4 Also for Sensitive Old Buildings: Passive House components + interior insulation
    Nr.40 Passive House retail establishments
    Nr.41 Cooling in non-residential Passive House buildings
    Nr.44 Ventilation in Passive House - non-residential buildings
    Nr.45 Accurate measurements in energy-efficient buildings
    Nr.46 Passive House: Assuring a sustainable energy supply
    Nr.47 Energy-efficient cafeterias and commercial kitchens
    Nr.48 Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings
    Nr.49 Energy-Efficient Hot Water Systems
    Nr.50 Affordable ventilation solutions for residential buildings - systems with heat recovery
    Nr. 51 Planning and implementation aids for Passive House - non-residential buildings
    Nr.52 Commissioning and operational optimization as success factors for energy-efficient buildings
    Passipedia A-Z
    Passive House Institute publications
    Passive House schools
    Commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Nr.13 Energy balances with the Passive House Planning Package
    Summer Comfort
    Thermal bridge tool
    Thermal bridges tools
    Ventilation tools
    Ventilation in commercial kitchens and cafeterias
    Ventilation tool
    Window tool
    Window tools
    outPHit - Deep retrofits made faster, cheaper and more reliable
    examples/non-residential_buildings/passive_house_kindergartens.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 10:24 by cblagojevic