Table of Contents
Quality Assurance: Nuremberg case study
Demonstration project "Modernising a block of flats in Nuremberg"
The results of the quality assurance measures applied in a modernisation using Passive House components in Nuremberg have been summarised in this article. The project was carried out by the wbg Nuremberg; the architect Burkhard Schulze-Darup was responsible for the planning and building management. Quality assurance was carried out by the PHI on behalf of the wbg [Feist 2002].
The heating demand of this building was reduced from 200kWh/(m²a) (previous state) to less than 26kWh/(m²a) as shown in Fig. 1. Typical commonly available Passive House components were used for this.

The demonstration project “Nuremberg, Jean-Paul-Platz 4” belonging to the wbg Nuremberg, planning for the modernisation by the architect Burkhard Schulze-Darup, for a detailled description see also modernising a block of flats in Nuremberg
Nuremberg case study: Examination of the external envelope using thermographic imaging
Nuremberg case study: Testing for airtightness
Nuremberg case study: Air exchange and air distribution testing
Nuremberg case study: Thermographic inspection with reference to building services
Summary: Experiences gained
The findings are summarised as follows:
The planned standard of workmanship could often be achieved for the roof, external wall and basement ceiling by means of extensive thermal insulation.
Inspection using thermographic imaging of the exterior and interior did not show any uncalculated weak points; neither were there any flaws that could have been caused by incomplete planning or defective execution.
Thermal protection of the connection details yielded excellent results. Inspection using thermographic imaging of the exterior and interior showed that:
- The interior surface temperatures were > 15.5°C everywhere; thus mould growth can be ruled out
- The lowest temperatures are found at the glass edge seal and at the base board of the lower corners of the building. The temperatures at the base are almost one degree less than the calculated temperature. This is due to drying processes taking place in the external wall that is damp from previous years.
There were surprisingly good results of the airtightness tests. Inspection with a building pressure test in the completed state gave a value of n50 = 0.35 h-1. No serious leaks were detected. The care taken in the case of wooden beam ceilings proved to be very essential.
Adjustment of the ventilation system still was not optimal. Simplifications and relevant support on the part of manufacturers are necessary.
There is a need for further development in the case of the other building services installations with reference to the thermal protection of connections, fittings and control elements.
See also
Quality Assurance - Airtightness and wind proofing
Quality Assurance - Final approval and initial use
Quality Assurance - Thermal bridges
Passive House Building Database search for "EnerPHit"
Europea Union project on step by step refurbishment of esxisting buildings with many examples
[Feist 1998] Feist, W.: Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung ausgewählter Energie¬sparmaßnahmen im Gebäudebestand, Passivhaus Institut, Darmstadt, 3. Auflage 2001, S 57-63. (Feasibility study of selected energy conservation measures in existing building stock)
[Feist 2002] Feist, W.; John, M.; Pfluger, R.: Bauphysikalische Betreuung für das Bauvorhaben Jean-Paul-Platz 4 in Nuremberg, im Auftrag der wbg Nuremberg mbH, Oktober 2002. (Building physics support for the project in Nuremberg, Jean-Paul-Platz 4)
[Feist 2003] Feist, W.: Passivhaustechnik im Gebäudebestand – Qualitäts¬sicherung für das Bauvorhaben Jean-Paul-Platz 4 in Nuremberg, Gutachten im Auftrag der wbg der Stadt Nuremberg, Passivhaus Institut, Darmstadt, 2003. (Passive House technology in existing buildings – Qualtiy assurance for the project in Nuremberg, Jean-Paul-Platz 4, Experts’ survey on behalf of wbg Nuremberg)
[Kah 2003] Kah, O.: Messung der Raumluftströmung mit Hilfe von Indikatorgasanalyse, in: Protokollband Nr. 23 des Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser; Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt; Darmstadt, 2003. (Measurement of the indoor air flows using indicator gas analysis, in: Protocol Volume No. 23 of the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses)
[Raisch 1928] Raisch, E.: Die Luftdurchlässigkeit von Baustoffen und Baukonstruktionen, gi 30 (1928). (Air permeability of building materials and structures)
[Schnieders 2003] Schnieders, J.: Lüftungsstrategien und Planungs¬hinweise, in: Protokollband Nr. 23 des Arbeitskreis kostengünstige Passivhäuser; Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt; Darmstadt, 2003. (Ventilation strategies and planning notes, in: Protocol Volume No. 23 of the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses)