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EnerPHit - Refurbishment with Passive House components

The quick link to
1. Efficiency NOW
2. All EnerPHit projects are at : Passivhouse Datenbank.
In the Passivhouse Datenbank, please select Energy standard/building type, choose EnerPHit Retrofit, then you can find all EnerPHit projects.

Existing buildings account for the greatest share of energy used in buildings - worldwide but especially in industrialized countries. A great number of these buildings will require overall or partial refurbishment or modernisation in the upcoming decades. Such occasions are perfect opportunities to reduce the energy consumption of these buildings quite significantly by applying appropriate methods. Using components developed for new Passive Houses also allows for significant energy savings in existing buildings. This allows us to define the Passive House Modernization standard - called “EnerPHit” (energetic refurbishment using Passive House components in existing buildings).

This section contains information on the following topics:

Annual heating demand for an unrefurbished building, a “low-energy”
refurbishment, and a refurbishment using Passive House components.

See also

International EnerPHit Certification Criteria for Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components

Peer reviewed paper, Energy Efficiency (2022): Retrofit with Passive House components (pdf)

Report Optimisation of the PHPP for old buildings with high energy consumption

Website of the EU funded EuroPHit project with focus phased retrofit solutions, including case studies

Website of the EU funded outPHit project with focus on making deep retrofits faster, cheaper and more reliable

Read more in the Passive House Institute's publications

planning/refurbishment_with_passive_house_components.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/18 19:09 by webel