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Passive House Institute publications

iPHA Passive House Info-Sheets

2015 iPHA Fact Sheets

2016 iPHA Fact Sheets

2017 iPHA Fact Sheets

2018 iPHA Fact Sheets

2019 iPHA Fact Sheets

2020 iPHA Fact Sheets

2021 iPHA Fact Sheets

Research Group Proceedings

Nr.2Thermal insulation
Nr.3Outstanding windows
Nr.4Ventilation in Passive House
Nr.5Energy balance and temperature characteristics
Nr.6Building services in Passive Houses
Nr.7Electricity saving in Passive House
Nr.8Choice of materials, ecology and indoor air quality
Nr.9User behaviour
Nr.10Measurement technology and results
Nr.11Cost-effective Passive Houses
Nr.12Passive House - building standard of the future?
Nr.13Energy balances with the Passive House Planning Package
Nr.14Passive House windows
Nr.15Passive House Summer Comfort
Nr.16Thermal bridges free construction
Nr.17Dimensioning of ventilation systems in Passive Houses
Nr.18Quality control on construction of Passive Houses
Nr.19Urban planning instruments for the implementation of Passive Houses
Nr.20Passive House Supply Technology
Nr.21Examples of architecture: residential buildings
Nr.22Ventilation strategies for the summer
Nr.23Influence of the ventilation strategy on the concentration and spread of pollutants in the room
Nr.24Use of Passive House technologies in the modernisation of old buildings
Nr.25Temperature Differentiation in Apartments
Nr.26New Passive House building services design with heat pumps
Nr.27Heat losses through the ground
Nr.28Heat transfer and distribution losses in Passive House
Nr.29Highly insulated roof structures
Nr.30Ventilation aspect when renovating existing buildings
Nr.31Energy-efficient room cooling
Nr.32Factor 4 Also for Sensitive Old Buildings: Passive House components + interior insulation
Nr.33Passive House Schools
Nr.34Soundproofing when using heat pumps and compact heat pump devices in Passive Houses
Nr.35Thermal bridges and structural engineering - the limits of design thermal bridges free design
Nr.36Heating with biofuels for passive houses
Nr.37Optimization strategies for window construction and solar aperture
Nr.38Heating systems in Passive Houses - statistical evaluation and system comparison
Nr.39Steb-by-step retrofit with Passive House components
Nr.40Passive House retail establishments
Nr.41Cooling in non-residential Passive House buildings
Nr.42Economic evaluation of energy efficiency measures
Nr.43Geothermal heat exchangers and geothermal probes in the Passive House
Nr.44Ventilation in Passive House - non-residential buildings
Nr.45Accurate measurements in energy-efficient buildings
Nr.46Passive House: Assuring a sustainable energy supply
Nr.47Energy-efficient canteens and commercial kitchens
Nr.48Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings
Nr.49Energy-Efficient Hot Water Systems
Nr.50Affordable ventilation solutions for residential buildings - systems with heat recovery
Nr.51Planning and implementation aids for Passive House - non-residential buildings
Nr.52Commissioning and operational optimization as success factors for energy-efficient buildings
Nr.53Summer comfort - affordable and energy-efficient
Nr.54New concepts of controlled ventilation: Façade-integrated ventilation
Nr.55Social apartment building
Nr.56Energy efficiency and renewable energy
Nr.57Building concepts for hot summers

Nr.13 Energy balances with the Passive House Planning Package

Nr.15 Passive House Summer Comfort

Nr.19 Urban planning instruments for the implementation of Passive Houses

Nr.24 Use of Passive House technologies in the modernisation of old buildings

Nr.25 Temperature Differentiation in Apartments

Nr.29 Highly insulated roof construction

Nr.32 Factor 4 Also for Sensitive Old Buildings: Passive House components + interior insulation

Nr.40 Passive House retail establishments

Nr.41 Cooling in non-residential Passive House buildings

Nr.44 Ventilation in Passive House - non-residential buildings

Nr.45 Accurate measurements in energy-efficient buildings

Nr.46 Passive House: Assuring a sustainable energy supply

Nr.47 Energy-efficient cafeterias and commercial kitchens

Nr.48 Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings

Nr.49 Energy-Efficient Hot Water Systems

Nr.50 Affordable ventilation solutions for residential buildings - systems with heat recovery

Nr. 51 Planning and implementation aids for Passive House - non-residential buildings

Nr.52 Commissioning and operational optimization as success factors for energy-efficient buildings

International Passive House Conference proceedings

Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses proceedings

Handbook: Modernisation of old buildings using Passive House Components

EuroPHit Brochure: Implementing deep energy step-by-step retrofits

PassREg Brochure: Defining the Nearly Zero Energy Building

phi_publications.1636104848.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/05 10:34 by