List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
Year | NO | Session | Author | Title | Page NO | |
2018 | 22 | Preface | Feist, Wolfgang | Preface by the editor | 5 | |
2018 | 22 | Opening Remarks | Aigner, Ilse | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 9 | |
2018 | 22 | Opening Remarks | Herrmann, Joachim | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 11 | |
2018 | 22 | Opening Remarks | Jacobs, Stephanie | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 13 | |
2018 | 22 | Opening Remarks | Degenhart, Christine | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 15 | |
2018 | 22 | Opening Remarks | Kordon, Michael | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 17 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Feist, Wolfgang | The Passive House - a solution for affordable housing | 69 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Reich, Karin | Passive Houses managed by the Bavarian state through Bayrische Staatsbauverwaltung | 85 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Hochhuber, Josef | The Bavarian 10,000 Houses Programme - promotion of efficient and system-relevant buildings | 91 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Vallentin, Gernot; Vallentin, Rena | Passive House in Munich and its surroundings | 97 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Kirschbaum, Alexander; Kuckelkorn, Jens M. | Monitoring and operational optimisation of a new Passive House school building | 103 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Klaffke, Julius | Sustainable urban district of the future | 109 | |
2018 | 22 | Session I | Brütsch, Andrea; Freundorfer, Franz | Passive House through cooperation in regional networks - it's worth it! | 115 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang | Simulation study on the use of enthalpy exchangers in cold climates | 123 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Wollnow, Jörg | Possible applications for a new vapour control layer based on hygrobrid technology | 129 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Kluth, Solitair | Building materials in the spotlight - economics, ecology and grey energy | 135 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Pfluger, Rainer | Reproducible low-cost solutions for Passive House multi-storey residential buildings, Campagne site, Innsbruck (Austria) | 141 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Sambale, Martin; Andreas-Tschiesche, Peter | Using Passive House certification to avoid mistakes | 147 | |
2018 | 22 | Session II | Stegemann, Michael; Roik, Matthias | Thermal optimization of anchoring components, here: brickwork support brackets | 153 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Zakrzewski, Stas | The Importance of Embodied Energy in Today's Passive House Design | 161 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Byrne, Deborah; Arifuzzaman, Andrew | 750 Bed University Student Residence; Driving Change for High Performance Building in North America | 167 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Nicholson, Brandon; Semke, Zack | Passive House Proof in Pittsburgh: Profit + Paris Progress | 173 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Picciano, Lucio | MARKET RATE PASSIVE DESIGN - VANCOUVER, BC | 179 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Maurer, Alexander | Monitoring Canada's Northernmost Passive House | 185 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Wall, Stephanie; Wimmers, Guido | A comparative LCA of the Wood Innovation Research Lab: An industrial PH for cold climates | 187 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Fahssi, Elias | Calgary, Carbon, and Components: Opportunities for Passive House in “C-Town” | 189 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Moorhead, Buck | Passive Design on the Sly | 193 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Paulsen, Monte; Montgomery, James | Clearing the air: Is flowrate a suffcient measure of kitchen range hood efficacy? | 195 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Zouari, Sonia | Passive House Feasibility in Extreme Cold Climates | 197 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Peel, Andrew | PER assessment of a large mixed-used student dorm | 201 | |
2018 | 22 | Session III | Romano, Adam | HANAC Corona: Ensuring Affordability at all Stages od Multifamily Affordable Passive House Construction | 203 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Colclough, Shane; Mullins, Seamus; Mernagh, John; Sinnott, Derek; Tansey, Peter; Riley, David; Foster, Scott; Hewitt, Neil J; Griffiths, Philip | The Passive House standard and its relevance for the implementing nZEB and the Global UN framework for energy efficient buildings. | 207 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Knoch, Birgit | Luxembourg - more than just banks | 213 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Meitern, Maarja | Long-term renovation strategies for housing providers: 4 international case studies | 219 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Herz, Dieter | Implementing and securing Passive House requirements in public buildings | 225 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Grant, Nick; Grylls, Charles | Passivhaus for the many not the few | 231 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Jedliczka, Günther | Educate yourself and influence others through what you are. Wilhelm von Humboldt | 239 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Feirer, Martina | Passive House is child's play - knowledge transfer for the builders of tomorrow | 241 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | Tzanev, Dragomir | The Building Knowledge Hubs Network: Successful Implementation of Passive House training courses in South and Eastern Europe | 243 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IV | McKenzie; Fiona | Superpod® - Without a certificate, it's just a passive house. Or is it? | 245 | |
2018 | 22 | Session V | Bodem, Mario; Aurbach, Markus | Passive House school project - using Passive House standard to reduce costs - operational experience and additional optimisation strategies | 249 | |
2018 | 22 | Session V | Horn, Gerrit | The real costs of building components | 255 | |
2018 | 22 | Session V | Spiß, Engelbert | Showcase project: the first 5-euro residential building to meet the Passive House Standard in Tyrol | 261 | |
2018 | 22 | Session V | Stein, Britta; von Malottki, Christian | Reducing ancillary costs in social housing | 267 | |
2018 | 22 | Session V | Nordhoff, Andreas | Colonia: Passive House with 4 kWh/(m²a) for heating and hot water built for less than 2,000 euros/m² | 273 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Schöberl, Helmut; Kronberger, Andreas | Passive House refurbishment on an occupied property | 281 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Rentzsch, Friedrich-Günther | Wichtel integration nursery in Lübbenau/Spreewald | 289 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael | Ecological retrofit with a new façade system using the example of the Mayrhof farmhouse in Trins | 295 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Schnieders, Jürgen | An attempt to explain why old buildings do not consume as much heat as was thought | 301 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Iannetti, Roberto; Kaufmann, Berthold | Reconciling efficiency - Economical evaluation of refurbishment for a condominium in Northern Italy | 307 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VI | Music, Admir; Burkert, Matthias | Air distribution: utilising the façade/experiences from the Sinfonia research project (A) | 309 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Buisán, Barambio | Premium, ecological and self-sufficient. A house in Mallorca | 317 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Nesi, Francesco; Iannone, Ileana; Tselifis, Matteo | A systematic LCC analysis for the Mediterranean: the wmblematic case of Italy | 323 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Pallantzas, Stefan | Can a single 2kW Mini-split heat and cool a 100m² passive house? | 331 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Oliveira, Rui; Vicente, Romeu; Andrade, Luís; Varajão, Joana; Loureiro, Júlio; Lopes, Emanuel | Innovative sustainable construction: Energy independent CLT Passive House for South Europe | 337 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Dobrevski, Svetlin | HOW TO GET COST-EFFECTIVE SUMMER COMFORT | 339 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Gavião, João; Marcelino, João | Passive House in Brazil: different solutions for different climatic conditions | 341 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Stathopoulou, Aggeliki; Pallantzas, Stefan | Single family Passive House Plus in Attica, Greece | 343 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Russo, Piero; Faganello, Stefano | Cost-effective MEP solutions for a multifamily building in Mediterranean climate | 345 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Abercromby, Andrew Keith | Construction & evaluation of a complex Passivhaus in the warm climate of Western Australia | 347 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Clarke, Alan; Godber, Sally | Boundary conditions for robust summer comfort predictions in PHPP | 351 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Treberspurg, Martin; Treberspurg, Christoph; Hofbauer, Wilhelm | Summer-proofed Passive House residential buildings with thermally activated reinforced concrete ceilings | 353 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VII | Arda, Can | A Modular Approach to Building Purpose-Oriented Self-Sufficient Structures | 355 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Calvo, Juan; Cuesta, Pablo | Passivhaus users and BIM. How to make the most of Revit models on PHPP certifications | 359 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Martel, Tim | Time Saving tools for PHPP | 365 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Crilly, Michael; Toledo, Linda | Convergence and interoperability of BIM with passive design principles | 371 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Cremers, Bart; Bakker, Tristan | Technologies to overcome effects of codensation in exchangers of ventilation units - analysis of monitored field studies | 379 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Kalnciems, Krisjanis; Mitrevica, Mare | The Passive House standard as the backbone for successful PPP infrastructure development projects | 385 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Kampouropoulos, Konstantinos; Crespo Sánchez, Eva; Marcía i Cid, Jordi; Cases Fàbregas, Laia; Castellà, Marc | A novel methodology for the optimisation of the retrofitting actions in building of the tertiary sector | 391 | |
2018 | 22 | Session VIII | Ottinger, Oliver; Peper, Søren | Monitoring and modelling heat losses through interior waste pipes and downpipes | 393 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Schönfeld, Janna | Challenge deep energy retrofit: EU framework and support | 397 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Heidrich, Frank | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 22nd International Passive House Conference | 399 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Schulze Darup, Burkhard | Passive House - Quo vadis? | 401 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Burrell, Elrond | Love Passive House | 413 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Lepp, Laszlo; Reich, Mario | MPREIS Passive House supermarkets - an economic success story | 417 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Robrecht, Andreas; Kuckelkorn, Jens M. | Monitoring and operational optimisation of the Plus Energy school Schmuttertal-Gymnasium in Diedorf | 423 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Peper, Søren; Hasper, Wolfgang | Monitoring: Passive House Quality Administrative Building of the Polive Service | 429 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Moll, Rainer | Solving problems arising in maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in the Passive House | 435 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Reiter, Olaf | IHD Conference centre in Dresden - the next generation lecture hall | 441 | |
2018 | 22 | Session IX | Endhardt, Martin | Office building using hybrid construction | 447 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Krick, Benjamin | Opportunities presented by Germany's energy transition for buildings supplied with electricity | 455 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Schnieders, Jürgen | Energy balancing at district level | 463 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Vallentin, Rainer; Mühlhaus, Jens | PER investment model with a sustainability component | 469 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Grove-Smith, Jessica | Active cooling in the context of a renewable energy supply | 477 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Vallentin, Rainer; Schröferl, Martin | Energy autonomous Passiv House | 483 | |
2018 | 22 | Session X | Reinwald, Martin; Hochhuber, Josef | Energy storage and grid regulation for highly efficient buildings - wind heating 2.0 | 489 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Rongen, Ludwig; Wirtz, Reiner | SAYYAS Passive House window factory in Harbin (Northern China) | 497 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Bingtao, Deng | The development and mode exploration of passive ultra-low energy buildings in China | 503 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Lu, Mingzhe; Zhao, Xing | Practical experiments and implementation of the Passive House concept in China | 509 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Lee, Myoungju; Lee, Eungshin; Lim, Inyok; Kim, Jeongun | Application of Passive House Standard Technique on the First Zero Energy Houseing Complex in Nowon District, Korea | 515 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Zou, Aijuan; Hu, Yiheng; Liu, Yulin | Passive House HVAC System Design Case Study | 521 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XI | Zhicai, Han; Chenbo, Tianjin | The Application of GEPS in Chinese Passive Houses | 527 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Mitchell, Rachel; Natarajan, Sukumar | Providing Passivhaus: Post occupancy evaluation of certified Passivhaus homes in the UK | 531 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick; Jarvis, Andy | Next Generation Passivhaus Archives | 537 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Menendez, Jesus | A Passivhaus Photo Set Studio: Project and User Experiences | 543 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Dixon, Bertie | Efficient heat system design in large PassivHaus multifamily buildings; UK experience | 549 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Bradshaw, Frances | Moisture, embodied energy & other qualities of natural materials. | 555 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Stephens, Mark | Designing with the vernacular in relation to planning & Passivhaus - An Irish Perspective | 557 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Sutherland, Julian | Hampshire Passivhaus Site Sensitive design for health, wellbeing and low carbon living | 563 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Miščević, Ljubomir; Miščević, Mark | First ECO-SANDWICH® House - Aesthetics of Social Housing Passive House with prefabricated wall panels | 571 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Tresidder, Esmond | Scottish Passive House as wind-energy buffers | 577 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Dehlin, Stefan | Passive house construction in sub-arctic climate | 579 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Monteyne, Hugo; Lazova, Marija; Laverge, Jelle; De Paepe, Michel | Remaining energy requirement of a residential passive house in Belgium using PV and energy storage. | 581 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XII | Riis Dietz, Søren | Passive and active cooling in 3 PH row houses in DK. | 583 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Bräunlich, Kristin | Component Award 2018 - ventilation can be affordable | 587 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Stärz, Norbert | Ventilation in housing - centralised, decentralised or somewhere in between? | 593 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Schulz, Tanja; Kah, Oliver; Bräunlich, Kristin | New concepts for controlled ventilation: component-integrated ventilation in residential construction | 601 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Strobl, Thomas; Wirnsberger, Markus; Krause, Harald | Simple ventilation systems for residential buildings - investigations in a research apartment | 609 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Kah, Oliver | Summer comfort in residential buildings: additional cooling potential/new assessment approach | 615 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Rojas, Gabriel; Delp, Woody; Singer, Brett C. | Testing recirculating cooker hoods - Can their filter reduce (ultra)fine particale loads during cooking? | 623 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Goebel, Matthias | Air heating and comfort - can new system designs make this possible? | 627 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIII | Feist, Mirko | System optimisation: from minimal monitoring to precision measuring | 629 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Opitsch, Wolf; Vallentin, Gernot; Lemoni, Margarita | Ecological model housing development in Prinz Eugen Park | 633 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Leitschuh, Stephan | Life cycle analysis of residential buildings | 639 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Sutter, Christoph; Hatt, Tobias | The HEROES ecobalance - simplified data recording and holistic assessment for residential buildings | 651 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Speigner, Simon | Hummelkaserne timber housing complex, Graz, Austria | 657 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Lütkemeyer, Ingo; Salbeck, Mathias; Korhammer, Susanne | Stadtwerke Neustadt - a zero-emission building completed using sustainable construction | 663 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XIV | Vallentin, Gernot | The aesthetics aspects of indoor climate control | 669 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Norwood, Zack; Archer, Dan-Eric; Theoboldt, Ingo | Evaluation of a step-by-step million program deep retrofit to passive house with building integrated PV roof and façade | 677 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Ingui, Michael | Game Changing Realities | 685 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Style, Oliver; Fulcarà, Vincenç | Step-by-step or one big jump? A multi-story residential EnerPHit project in Girona, Spain | 691 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Steiger, Jan; Frank, Yetsuh | A New York high-rise retrofit study | 697 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Pardo Calderón, Esteban | Pilot Office Building from the National Government of Spain meets Passive House and BREEAM | 703 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Vicente, Romeu; Oliveira, Rui; Melo, Bernardo; Varum, Artur | Running after the Passive House Concept: Adaption of a three storey building in execution | 709 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Rodrigues, Fernanda; Dinis Alves; Ana; Costa, Aníbal; Álvares, Manuela | Energy retrofit of a historic heritage building in Oporto | 711 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XV | Petran, Horia; Varga, Szabolcs; Petcu, Cristian | Renovation of a 1977 experimental house to the Passive House and national nZEB standards | 713 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael | Passive House museum, quality assurance, PH model houses and 1 million m² of building land | 717 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Langenkamp, Olav | A system facade integrating heating, ventilation and energy production. | 721 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Mikeska, Tomas; Feist, Mirko | Measurement and certification of air-to-air heat pumps based on realistic operating conditions | 723 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Bonilauri, Enrico | External vs internal air tightness: understanding risks and potential savings in climate-specific solutions | 729 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Schulze, Michael; Sevela, Pavel | Drain Water Heat Recovery - technology principles and planning recommendations | 735 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Varga, Szabolcs; Petran, Horia | Life cycle cost assessment of a small cost-effective Passive House in Eastern Europe | 741 | |
2018 | 22 | Session XVI | Shin, Jooyun; Leigh, Seung-Bok | Energy Consumption Analysis of Ventilation Cooling Applied in an Office Building in Korea | 743 | |
2018 | 22 | Plenary Session | Hochhuber, Josef; Feist, Wolfgang; Kreutzer, Simone; Freundorfer, Franz; Wassouf, Micheel; Krapmeier, Helmut | 'Passive house - it's worth it!' How to effectively implement high energy efficiency at the regional level | 749 |
2017 | 21 | Preface | Feist, Wolfgang | Preface by the editor | 5 | |
2017 | 21 | Opening Remarks | Chorherr, Christoph | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 21st International Passive House Conference | 9 | |
2017 | 21 | Opening Remarks | Ludwig, Michael | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 21st International Passive House Conference | 11 | |
2017 | 21 | Opening Remarks | Liebel, Günter | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 21st International Passive House Conference | 13 | |
2017 | 21 | Opening Remarks | Paula, Michael | Opening remarks for the conference proceedings of the 21st International Passive House Conference | 15 | |
2017 | 21 | Plenary Session | Feist, Wolfgang | Passive House - a convincing solution for NZEB | 65 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Treberspurg, Martin | Architecture for the future - solar Passive House buildings | 79 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Feirer, Martina; Frankel, Alexandra | mineroom Leoben - Timbered Passive House student dormitory | 87 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Ploss, Martin | Energy efficiency makes economic sense - results of the KliNaWo model project in Vorarlberg | 93 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Berger, Michael; Hermann, Hubert | PASSIVE HOUSE - WOHNHEIM GLEISDREIECK | 99 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Kopeinig, Gerhard | Retrofitting and converting a protected fire station into a music school in Velden am Wörthersee, Austria | 105 | |
2017 | 21 | Session I | Sonnleithner, Manfred | Living in a Passive House - 15 years on | 111 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Streicher, Wolfgang; Ilmer, Alois; Pfluger, Rainer; Mautner, Petra; Kleewein, Klaus | The SINFONIA EU smart city demonstration project in Innsbruck and Bolzano | 119 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Spiß, Engelbert | EU Sinfonia project - implemented by NEUE HEIMAT TIROL | 125 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Neumann, Werner | Comprehensive energy strategy - efficient community use of renewable energy | 131 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Steigern, Jan; Failla, Maria Chiara | International EnerPHit requirements and thermal bridges | 137 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Malzer, Harald Konrad; Lepp, Laszlo; Weber, Jens Erik | SINFONIA guideline for nearly zero energy neighbourhoods - | 143 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Bastian, Zeno | The EnerPHit Retrofit Plan | 149 | |
2017 | 21 | Session II | Ottinger, Oliver; Gressier, Florian; Hohm, Melanie; Peper, Soeren | Electric Energy Efficiency for Households: The next step towards the NZEB | 157 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Fasouli, Myrtia | EnerPHit on London's heritage properties: Adams Row Case Study | 161 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Pardo Calderon, Esteban | First EnerPHit Experience in Spanish Historical Heritage | 167 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Zakrzewski, Stas | Strategies to Retrofit Typical Existing US Housing Stock into EnerPHit and Ener PHit Plus | 173 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Sternová, Zuzana; Grünner, Roman | Deep renovation of a residential building towards the NZEB standard | 179 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Binachi Janetti, Michele | Numerical investigation of the moisture risk at beam ends in buildings with internal insulation | 185 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Augustin, Martin | Retrofit of an 80-year-old residential row house to Passive House standard in a heritage protection area | 187 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Coyle, Daniel | Proof of concept: EnerPHit retrofit is viable for widespread application in Ireland | 189 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Ingui, Michael | Better Design and Community through Passive House | 191 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Cho, In; Shields, Timothy; D'Silva, Karena; Shea, Maureen | A Passive House mosaic for a NYC urban infill residential retrofit and extension | 193 | |
2017 | 21 | Session III | Volf, Martin; Lupíšek, Antonín; Hejtmánek, Petr | Modular solutions for deep energy retrofitting - introduction and progress of the MORE-CONNECTn project | 195 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | Todd, James; Selby, Gareth | The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia by Architype | 199 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | Nesi, Francesco; Larcher, Marco; Bombasaro, Andrea; Iannone, Ileana | “La Provvidenza”: Passivhaus energy retrofit of a large non-residential building in Italy | 205 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | Vallentin, Gernot | Educational facilities in different climates - a practical comparison | 211 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | Ryall, William | Artists' Residence, Vermont USA | 217 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | McCarron, Barry | CREST - Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies | 223 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | Boráková, Helena; Borák, Dalibor | MUNICIPAL ART SCHOOL KARLA MALICHA, HOLICE | 229 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IV | McNally, Paul | Ireland's First PassivHaus Pharmacy | 231 | |
2017 | 21 | Session V | Nocke, Bettina; Jähnig, Dagmar; Fink, Christian; Venus, David | Façade-integrated building services for the high quality retrofit of multi-family houses | 235 | |
2017 | 21 | Session V | Österreicher, Doris; Sattler, Stefan; Treberspurg, Martin | Renovating a protected building with Passive House components | 241 | |
2017 | 21 | Session V | Worch, Anatol | PH with iterior insulation? Influencing variables-systems-possibilities-limits | 247 | |
2017 | 21 | Session V | Freundorfer, Franz | Three in one go: EnerPHit innovation combines envelope, window and ventilation! | 253 | |
2017 | 21 | Session V | Bastian, Zeno | The EnerPHit Retrofit Plan | 259 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Horn, Phillip; Beigelböck, Barbara; Lindmeier, Ines; Eder, Katharina | Energy concumption in passive office buildings - development and operational experience | 269 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Selke, Tim | Reality check for th ENERGYbase - seven years of energy operations at a Passive House office property in Vienna | 275 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Rolfsmeier, Stefanie; Simons, Paul | Measuring airthigtness in a large, high multi-family Passive House when exposed to wind and thermal currents | 281 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Tepe, Rainer; Heitland, Christoph | Operating experiences with PH systems technology in the “zero:e park” | 289 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Peper, Søren; Schulz, Tanja; Hasper, Wolfang; Ottinger, Oliver | Commissioning and operational optimisation as success factors for energy-efficient buildings | 295 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VI | Schirmer, Stefan | Quality assurance during construction - challenges faced when building Passive Houses in China | 303 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Infante Barbossa, Ernesto; Reyes Bernal, Elena | EcoCasa SHF-LAIF: Introducing Social Passive Houses in Mexico | 307 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Mori, Miwa | Measured Data of Supply Air Cooling in Ibaraki PH | 313 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Pallantzas, Stefan; Pappas, Ioannis | Passivistas EnerPHit Project in Atehns: One year overall measurements, one year of living | 319 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Filippi, Marco; Dorigo, Michele; Bonotto, Mauro | Office Building certified to Passive House Standard in Dubai, UAE | 325 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Tribus, Michael; Faganello, Stefano | PASSIVE HOUSE PREMIUM in a warm and humid climate in Italy with ventilation system for both heating and cooling | 331 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Schnieders, Jürgen | Simulating air humidity correctly: taking measurements to validate hygrothermal building simulations using DYNBIL | 337 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Merigo, Alessandro | Optimal System for a Mediterranean Climate (such as Italian) | 339 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VII | Castaño, Juan Manuel | LOW TECH PH in one of the hottest places in Europe. Warm climate strategies with PHPP | 341 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Goossen, Carl-Peter | Integrated Project Delivery through Building information Model renovation Presikhaaf Arnhem | 345 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Ottinger, Oliver; Feng, Tianyuan; Rupps, Waldemar; Schulz, Tanja; Grove-Smith, Jessica | Assessing moisture around the world | 351 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Şoflete, Marius; Munteanu, Raluca | Teaching passive house technology and execution in Romania | 357 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Cristol, Johan | Export Building Information Modeling into PHPP | 363 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Stieldorf, Karin | Passive house standard as a target standard for architects and an important criterion in the design education of architects | 367 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Gollwitzer, Esther | Simplified calculation for window installations | 375 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Edwards, David | Determination of shading reduction factors for PHPP / dsignPH from a 3D computer model | 379 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Harrmann, André | From Scribbled Cheat Sheets to Helpful Tools | 381 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Paulsen, Monte | PHPP Anonymous: Lessons learned from the Vancouver-area PHPP users group | 383 | |
2017 | 21 | Session VIII | Rose, Clarence | The PHPP as “nZEB-tool”: building physics are key to tipping point in the Dutch building sector | 385 | |
2017 | 21 | Plenary Session | Lang, Günter | Passive Houses for all - the road to zero | 389 | |
2017 | 21 | Plenary Session | Jedliczka, Günther | Passive Houses for Active Students! A success story | 397 | |
2017 | 21 | Plenary Session | Bottermann, Heinrich | Sustainability in construction | 403 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IX | Ronacher, Herwig | Research projects relating to Passive Houses and Plus Energy Houses in rural settings | 409 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IX | Großklos, Marc | Operational experience of a Passive House with energy gains | 417 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IX | Steinmüller, Bernd; Wirtz, Reiner; Kandziora, Markus | Progress in construction from the 1950s detached house to the EnerPHIT/Passive House Plus of today | 423 | |
2017 | 21 | Session IX | Herz, Dieter | Passive House Plus and Premium in practice | ||
2017 | 21 | Session IX | Kreutzer, Simone | Passive House - here to stay | 437 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | David, Alexander; Schöberl, Helmut | Comparison of the designed and the measured performance of TU Wien's refurbished high-rise | 445 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | Coughlin, Brittany; Love, Christy; Lepage, Robert | Passive House in Canada: Case Studies on a Near EnerPhit Retrofit and Post-Occupancy Research | 451 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | Arena, Lois; Sacks Rosenberg, Arianna; Falk, Luke; Moelis, Deborah | Cornell Tech: High-Rise Buildings and Passive House | 463 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | Velázquez Arizmendi, Germán | 361-Unit Passivhaus Social Housing in Bolueta, Bilbao, SPAIN | 469 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | Judah, Ilana | Passivhaus Feeling Higher: What It Takes to Make a High-Rise Passive | 475 | |
2017 | 21 | Session X | Daly, Rupert | Woodside High-Rise: Bridging Thermal Inequality | 481 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Höfer, Richard | Renewable heating supply in Passive Houses on the smart grid | 489 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Krick, Benjamin | Efficient and cost-effective solutions using power-based supply concepts | 495 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Sigg, Ferdinand; Krause, Harald | Modelling and evaluating power-based supply concepts for highly-efficient buildings | 505 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Kunkel, Sven; Kübel-Heising, Felix; Mai, Tri; Rädle, Matthias; Steinbächer, Hans-Jürgen; Repke, Jens-Uwe | New concept for the production and storage of thermal energy in private households | 511 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Handler, Simon; Kreč, Klaus | Using thermally activated reinforced concrete ceilings for conditioning and energy storage in the Passive House (PH) | 517 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Gerbut, Maksym | “No-carbon-future” building technology | 523 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XI | Salman Gurcan, Tugba | Passive House meets with Smart Home in a real life project | 525 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Dobrevski, Svetlin | Climate zones with hot summer and cold winter - Build a Passive House! | 529 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Gavião, João; Marcelino, João | The first Certified Passive House on the touristic sector in Portugal | 535 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Nagy, Csaba | Fairytale Kindergarten | 541 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Szekér Lászlo | New Passive Houses in Hungary | 547 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Bonilauri, Enrico | Better climate zone mapping for Passive House components in different countries | 549 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Parry, Clare | Changing the Game: The Contractor Experience in Australia | 551 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Bunyesc, Josep | Retrofit and extension of a public comunity centre in Barcelona of 'positive energy' balance | 557 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Oliveira, Rui; Vicente, Romeu; Bilelo, António; Figueiredo | Energy retrofit of a 1970's masonry building in a South European Country | 559 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Balla, Chetna | Role of Passivhaus principles to improve comfort in tropical climate of Bangalore, India | 561 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Mangaroska, Viktorija; Mangaroski, Kosto | Green Buildings and the Passive House Standard for the Climate Conditions in Macedonia | 563 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XII | Varga, Szabolcs; Petran, Horia | Thermal bridge free passive house foundation design in the Romanian seismic region | 569 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIII | Knotzer, Armin | Best practice for retrofitting school buildings with prefabricated wood modules suitable for Passive Houses | 573 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIII | Herz, Dieter | Passive House hotels - a success story | 579 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIII | Wohlfahrt, Matthias; Schnieders, Jürgen | Passive House supermarkets in Hanover - Status report on two years' operating experience | 587 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIII | Röthele, Erik | Unique and yet cost-efficient | 595 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIII | Schneider, Ursula | Sustainable living: JAspern | 601 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Nicholson, Brandon | The ROCIS Initiative: How Buildings can Protect Occupants from Outdoor Air Pollution | 609 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Kaufmann, Berthold | Monitoring Office PH building in ZhuoZhuo, China | 615 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Cunz, Thilo | Passive House standard for high-rise buildings in China | 621 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Kaufmann, Berthold; Lepp, Laszlo; Rongen, Ludwig; Tribus, Michael; Vallentin, Gernot | The Passive House Technology Experience Center (PHTEC) in Qingdao, China | 627 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Cieslok, Joachim | Technology for the Passive House Technology Experience Center at the Sino-German Ecology Park in Qingdao | 633 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Shouqiang, Ni | Windows - a new chapter in making buildings energy-efficient | 639 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Frey, Wolfgang | Passive Houses in China | 645 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XIV | Ni, Xin; Xing, Chao | A living sunshade system | 647 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang | Testing compact units with speed-controlled compressors and ethalpy exchangers | 651 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Cieslok, Joachim | Conserving energy in hydraulic systems | 657 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Gilliland, Allen | Reducing Ventilation System Costs & Energy Use with Shared Air Ducts | 663 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Kierulf, Bjørn | The future of PH: more Innovation! | 669 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Ochs, Fabian | Simulation of a Membrane Energy Recovery Ventilation and Exhaust Air Heat Pump | 675 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Ochs, Fabian | Modelling and Simulation of Radiant Heat Emission Systems in Passive Houses | 677 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Pfluger, Rainer | Exterior plaster as an airtight layer without additional measures? Inspection using a mobile differential pressure device | 679 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Michler, Andrew; Kierulf, Bjørn | Material Impacts in Passive House | 681 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XV | Peel, Andrew | The first Cold Climate Passive House Production Facility emerges | 683 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Grant, Nick; Siddal, Mark | Developing Summer Comfort Design Guidance | 687 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Siddal, Mark | Long Term Experience of the Passivhaus Standard in North East England: Are There Overheating Risks? | 693 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Riis Dietz, Søren | Passive house school in the northern part of Denmark: First analysis of 5 years' consumption compared to PHPP calculated values. | 699 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Paulsen, Monte | Moodyville: A preview of North America's first Passive House District | 705 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Hienonen, Markku; Tackett, Evelina; Räinä, Ikka; Kauppinen, Timo | Public Authority's Support for Performance Verification of Single-Family House | 711 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Mohammadpourkarbasi, Haniyeh | Business Case for Passivhaus in the UK | 717 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Theoboldt, Ingo | CO2mpakthuset - 25m² PH as training project and student dwelling | 719 | |
2017 | 21 | Session XVI | Lewis, Sarah | Affordable Passive House homes for Norfolk | 721 | |
2017 | 21 | Plenary Session | Alter, Lloyd | Good air inside and outside | 725 |
2016 | 20 | Preface | Feist, Wolfgang | Preface by the editor | 5 | |
2016 | 20 | Greeting | Al-Wazir, Tarek | Greeting | 9 | |
2016 | 20 | Opening Remarks | Partsch, Jochen | Opening remarks | 13 | |
2016 | 20 | Opening Remarks | Holz, Brigitte | Opening remarks | 15 | |
2016 | 20 | Opening Remarks | Turmes, Claude | Opening remarks | 19 | |
2016 | 20 | Plenary Session | Feist, Wolfgang | Passive House - the long-lasting solution | 65 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Frankel, Alexandra; Feirer, Martina | GreenHouse: Astria's first Passive House Plus student dormitory in Vienna | 85 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Vallentin, Gernot | The new Passive House Plus administration building of the Erdinger Moos wastewater association | 91 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Spiß, Engelbert | A Passive House Plus residential building in Innsbruck | 97 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Beckmannshagen, Lars | Experience from the Effizienzhaus Plus network | 103 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Reinberg, Georg W. | Strategy, implementation and monitoring of a Plus Energy Passive House | 109 | |
2016 | 20 | Session I | Krick, Benjamin | A Passive House Plus building made of bales of straw | 117 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Zielke, Georg W. | Ecological homes: Ambitious yet affordable | 129 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Kreutzer, Simone | Circuits - What goes around comes around | 135 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Werneke, Klaus | Affordable and sustainable: A timbered Passive House row house for rent | 141 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Hasper, Wolfgang | A government building annex overcomes all challenges | 147 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Rongen, Ludwig | Passive House today and beyond 2015: Developments and trends | 153 | |
2016 | 20 | Session II | Böttrich, Nadine | Large variety of balcony connections in Passive House | 159 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Nettleton, Laura; Whartnaby, Michael | EnerPHit in the United States: Multi-unit Residential and Commercial Retrofit Case Studies | 163 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Keverling Buisman, Floris | Historic 1870 2-whyte brick house to EnerPHot Standard in Upstate New York | 169 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Ingui, Michael | Masonry Retrofits - Repeatable Results in a Collaborative Environment | 175 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | von Meding, Reimar | Reimarkt: The first supermarket for sustainable retrofits as off-the-shelf consumer products | 181 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Janssen, Martijn | From Scrap Value to High Quality Dwelling | 187 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Uyttebrouck, Constance | Installing geothermal boreholes under a historic building in the city-centre of Liège | 189 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Marcinonis, Dominykas | Retrofit of Lithuanian Large Concrete Panel Buildings with Prefabricated Timber Elements - Theoretical Study | 193 | |
2016 | 20 | Session III | Osborne, Patrick | Hiley Road Retrofit Project, London | 197 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Style, Oliver | Measured performance of a lightweight straw-bale Passive House in a Mediterranean heat wave | 201 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Pallantzas, Stefan | Passivistas: The House Project | 207 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Pardo Calderon, Esteban | First Steps in Passiv House Public Buildings in Spain | 213 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Salman Gürcan, Tuğba; Gülec, Seda | A comparison of LEED and Passive House certification on a built example: Gaziantep Yeşil Ev | 219 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Chatzoulis, Stefan | Long-term experience of Passive House Component implementation in 30 buildings in the warm climate of Greece | 225 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Pietrobon, Marco; Pagliano, Lorenzo | Comfort Conditions and User Behaviour Surveys in Passive House Buildings Throughout Europe | 227 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Ruiz-Cuevas Peña, Ramón | Passive House 'FUV' | 229 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Oliveira, Rui; Alves, Ana; Rodrigues, Fernanda;; Vicente, Romeu; Saracin, Adrian | Design, Optimisation and Construction of a Steel Frame Efficient House in a South European Country | 231 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Fokaides, Paris A.; Christoforou, Elias; Ilic, Milos; Papadopoulos, Agis | Monitored performance of a Passive House under Subtropical climatic conditions | 233 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | Bonilauri, Enrico | The first certified construction system for warm climates: from prototype to production | 235 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IV | McKenzie, Fiona | Superpod® Podhouse® - An innovative steel passive house system from Australia | 237 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Vallentin, Gernot | Montessori School in Aufkirchen: 12 years of operation in the first certified Passive House school | 241 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Kirtschig, Thomas | Measurment results from ENERGON in Ulm | 247 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Zeine, Carl | KWEFF 2015: Consuption values of highly energy-efficient buildings | 255 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Horn, Gerrit | Two decades of timbered Passive House | 261 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Reiter, Olaf | Four kindergartens in Saxony: Construction system analysis and a critical review | 267 | |
2016 | 20 | Session V | Feist, Wolfgang; Ebel, Witta; Peper, Søren; Hasper, Wolfgang | Long-term experience and measurements from the first Passive House building in Darmstadt-Kranichstein | 273 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Ernst, Marion | Passive House offices with renewable energy supply on the path to the Passive House Premium Standard | 285 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Krämer, Walter; Kaufmann, Berthold | Summer conquered: The Lu-teco office building | 293 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Gollwitzer, Esther; Gressier, Florian; Peper, Søren | Bambados: A Passive House indoor swimming pool in practice | 299 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Oehler, Stefan | Holistic retrofit of the Gross-Umstadt Sparkasse | 305 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Kah, Oliver | The importance of use-specific energy applications in non-residential Passive House buildings | 311 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VI | Pietrobon, Marco; Tribus, Michael | Analyses of multifunctional wooden components for Passive House renovations of schools | 317 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Schild, Robert | “Does residential comfort have to pay for itself?” | 321 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Clake, Alan; Grant, Nick | Simple and cheap heating systems for individual Passive Houses | 327 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Bodem, Mario | Passive House school project: Lowering costs with the Passive House Standard | 333 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian | Large-scale total Passive House renovations in Brussels | 339 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Fasouli, Myrtia | First privately rented EnerPHit homes in London, Whole-Life Carbon story | 345 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Schneider, Peter | The Modular Housing Innovation Project | 351 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | Shaw, Siena; Rubin, Brian | MightyHouse - Rolling Passive House | 353 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VII | McDonald, Timothy | The PHFA Project | 355 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Burrell, Elrond | How architects can drive adoption of Passive Hose for primary schools in England and Wales | 361 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Hines, Jonathan; Thoua, Chryssa | Closing the performance gap in UK schools - 3 years energy and comfort monitoring evidence | 367 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Grant, Nick; Clarke, Alan | The first Passive House Archive in the UK | 373 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Siddal, Mark; Johnston, David; Harvie-Clark, Jack; Wyke, Andrew | Long Term Experience of the Passive House Standard in North East England: Does Airtightness Decay? | 379 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Moreira, Marianna; McCormack, Art | EnerPHit for Social Apartments: Marrying old and new | 385 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | O'Donoghue, Ed; Homes, Magner | Passive House, Building on Solid Foundations | 391 | |
2016 | 20 | Session VIII | Wright, Frances; Burford, Neil | Developmentof a Scottish Straw Bale-Wrapped Timber Frame Passive House Construction System | 393 | |
2016 | 20 | Plenary Session | von Weizsäcker; Ernst Ulrich | Politics as a partner | 397 | |
2016 | 20 | Plenary Session | Bottermann, Heinrich | Opening remarks for the 20th International Passive House Conference | 401 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Bräunlich, Kristin | Component Award 2016: Affordable ventilation solutions for retrofits | 405 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Pfluger, Rainer | Reducing ventilation duct networks: Retrofit of the Siegmair School as part of the EU project SINFONIA | 411 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Stärz, Norbert | Central stairwell ventilation in multi-family houses | 417 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Martin, Bernhard | More efficient ventilation with intelligent active overflow systems | 423 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Farr, Andrew; Godber, Sally; Warm, Pater | MVHR in the UK - Lessons Learnt from Commissioning and a Suggested New “Final Protocol Sheet” for Domestic Use | 429 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Peel, Andrew | North American Ventilation Systems Assessed According to Passive House Requirements | 435 | |
2016 | 20 | Session IX | Mikeska, Tomas | Concept of Passive House Institute Certification for split-type air-to-air heat pumps | 443 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Schulz, Tanja; Ottinger, Oliver | Interior insulation: What works? | 447 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Vahalova, Eva; Krick, Benjamin | Windows in a step-by-step retrofit | 453 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Freundorfer, Franz | Cross-trade retrofit systems: an EnerPHit innovation | 459 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Tywoniak, Jan; Bureš, Michal; Volf, Martin; Hejtmánek, Petr; Nováček, Jiří; Lupíšek, Antonín | Lightweight timbered element façade for modified buildings - development and application | 465 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Drössler, Eckart | Retrofit to a small multi-generational Passive House residential complex | 471 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Muskatewitz, Adrian | Guidelines for Passive House-suitable attic stairs | 477 | |
2016 | 20 | Session X | Theumer, Susanne | Relevance of typical therman bridges in a detached Franconian house from 1959 | 479 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Vogt, Anne; Díaz Antón, Nuria; Robledo, Ruano; Jiménez López, Diana | PHPP 9 as a design tool for the first Passive House Premium buildings in Spain | 483 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Rojas, Gabriel; Schnieders, Jürgen | Accurately predicting energy demand and room temperatures in various programs | 489 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Edwards, David; Malzer; Harald Konrad | Latest Developments in designPH SketchUp Plgin - the 3D Interface for PHPP | 491 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Barry, Bronwyn | Optimising Passive House: A look at Kranichstein (and Saskatoon) through the lens of PDT-Passivhaus | 497 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Feist, Wolfgang | “Auditing tool” PHPP - new Features and Comprehensive Validation | 503 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Tzarnev, Dragomir | The New Building Knowledge Hubs of Europe: Successful Promotion of Passive House Trainings | 509 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XI | Ottinger, Oliver; Schnieders, Jürgen; Hasper, Wolfgang | Determination of the heat loss coefficient of built Passive House buildings | 515 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Isaacs, Malcolm; Zouari, Sonia | Reaching for the Passive House Standard in Canadian Social Housing | 519 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Paulsen, Monte | Factory-built Passive House: An affordable solution for remote Canadian communities | 525 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Lindgren, Tomas; Granit, Simon | Högåsskolan - a Passive House school | 531 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Päätalo, Juha | Onnelanpolku: The first Passive House retirement home in Finland | 537 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Wong, Terrell; Cook, Sylvia; Ebanks, Peta-Gay | Rammed Earth: Passive House, Naturally | 534 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XII | Stich, Tomaž | Off Grid Passive House in the Canadian Prairies | 549 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIII | Peper, Søren; Persch, Robert | Monitoring energy consumption in the new district Bahnstadt in Heidelberg | 553 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIII | Bermich, Ralf | Passive House district Heidelberg-Bahnstadt in the eyes of its residents | 559 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIII | Lilge, Thomas | Student dormitory complex in Münster, Germany: More than 500 units built to the Passive House Standard | 565 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIII | Lang, Günter | Passive more affordable than conventional: How? | 571 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Loga, Tabias; Frank, Milena | Photovoltaic power generation to cover domestic power demand in Passive House: A parameter study | 579 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Vallentin, Rainer | PER assessment and the new Passive House classes: A critique | 585 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Feist, Wolfgang; Krick, Benjamin | Response from the editor | 597 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Krick, Benjamin | Is electricity (still) bad? | 601 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Großklos, Marc; Stein, Britta | Dimensioning of and performance data from an electricity storage system in a Passive House Plus building with 17 residential units | 611 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Marcelino, João; Gavião, João | The impact of the standby consumption in a Passive House | 617 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XIV | Hall, Monika; Geissler, Achim | is net zero energy possible for high-rose buildings? | 623 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | Steiger, Jan; Vahalova, Eva | Overall retrofit plan for step-by-step retrofits to EnerPHit Standard | 627 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | McCormack, Art; Moreira, Mariana | Step-by-Step EnerPHit Retrofit: Coordinated Design and Build | 633 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | Traynor, James; Newman, Nick; Brown, Helen | Large scale EnerPhit - Whole life costs and lessons learnt on high rise retrofit | 639 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | Norwood, Zack; Theoboldt, Ingo; Archer, Dan-Eric | Step-by-step deep retrofit and building integrated façade/roof on a 'million program' house | 645 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | Díaz Antón, Nuria; Sánchez Mateos, Mercedes | Step-by-step Retrofits towards EnerPHit Standard in Social Housing in Spain | 651 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XV | Lutzkanova, Iglika | A road towards deep building renovation on a step-by-step basis in Bulgaria | 657 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Guo, Ling | Passive House in China: Present Situation and Future Trends | 665 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Yu, Zou; Deyu, Sun; Xi, Chen | Compiling Principles and Key Points of Passive Ultra-low Energy Green Building Technical Guideline China | 671 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Song, Angyang; Wu, Jianlin; Gao, Caifeng; Yu, Zhen | Design optimisation of Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City Passive House project using PHPP | 679 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Cunz, Thilo; Reuter, Friedrich | BuildTog Passive House in Tianjin, China | 685 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Cui, Yuansheng; Sun, Jicheng; Liu, Wei; Xue, Guibin; Guo, Sinchen | Status, Problems and Solution of Passive House Construction in China | 691 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Schirmer, Stefan | Experience and challenges from heating and cooling in Chinese pilot projects | 697 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael | Experience from 11 blower-door tests for Passive House in China | 703 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Lu, Quinn; Li, Jiang | Building a Passive House with EPS Module System in the Severe Cold Region of China | 709 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Kaufmann, Berthold | Good user-experiences from first Passive House buildings in China | 713 | |
2016 | 20 | Session XVI | Schnieder, Jürgen; Kaufmann, Berthold; Schulz, Tanja; Jiang, Huijun; Winkel, Susanne; Feist, Wolfgang | Passive House design in different Chinese climates - it works everywhere | 719 | |
2016 | 20 | Plenary Session | Feist, Wolfgang; von Weizsäcker, Ersnt Ulrich; Alt, Franz | Sustainable energy for all | 729 |
2015 | 19 | Preface | Feist, Wolfgang | Preface by the editor | 5 | |
2015 | 19 | Greeting | Gabriel, Sigamr | Greeting | 9 | |
2015 | 19 | Greeting | Jung, Burkhard | Greeting | 11 | |
2015 | 19 | Greeting | Furkert, Alf | Greeting | 13 | |
2015 | 19 | Plenary Session | Moseley, Philippe | Passive House and EU Support: Past, Present, Future | 57 | |
2015 | 19 | Plenary Session | Feist, Wolfgang | Shaping the future: Passive House components | 63 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Sibille, Elisabeth; Malzer, Harald Konrad | How energy-conscious planning lowers construction costs | 79 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Stein, Britta; Loga, Tobias | Member State approaches to Nearly Zero-Energy buildings in Europe | 85 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Bähr, Annette | Opitmizing the lifecycle costs of day care centers - the potential of standardization in plenning and construction | 91 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Riel, Martina; Lohse, Rüdiger; Kaufmann, Berthold; Ottinger, Oliver | Economic feasibility study of a renovated office complex | 97 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Teraž, Nataša; Pucko Maher, Klara | Passive House can be affordable: Optimization through development | 99 | |
2015 | 19 | Session I | Höffle, Ingo | Affordable Passive House production facilities | 101 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Stärz, Norbert | Dimensionierung the heat-generator for single-family homes and apartment complexes | 109 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Pröh, Alexander | Should apartment complexes have central ventilation systems or units in each apartment? | 115 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Schwerdtfeger, Peter | Optimizing airflow in non-residential buildings - a case study of kindergartens | 121 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Rojas, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolfgang | Confort and affordability with air heating - a comparison of radiators and floor heaters | 125 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Kah, Oliver | Lowering costs with central residential ventilation systems | 131 | |
2015 | 19 | Session II | Ottinger, Oliver; Grove-Smith, Jessica; Schnieders, Jürgen; Hasper, Wolfgang; Kaufmann, Berthold | The cost-saving potential of drinking water heating systems for drinking water: supply, distribution, and use | 137 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Wolters, Bernd | Implementing the Passive House Standard in the Free State of Saxony | 145 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Dubrau, Dorothee | What the City of Leipzig is doing | 149 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Eaton, Thomas; Landrock, Steffen; Krumbiegel, Mathias; Haupt, Jörg; Müller, Hans | Planning a Passive House sports high school | 153 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Koeningsdorff, Jörg | Thermalenergy studies in classrooms, air quality, and thermal comfort | 161 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Hofmann, Andreas; Hessler, Falko | Technical Monitoring | 171 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | von Nordheim, Irmela | Social monitoring of Leipzig Passive House schools from 2012 to 2014 | 177 | |
2015 | 19 | Session III | Reiter, Olaf; Hawemann, Frank | Day-care centre “Zauberhaus” in Delitzsch by Leipzig | 185 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Krick, Benjamin | Component Award for Passive House Windows: comfortable, profitable, innovative, and future-proof | 193 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Guermanova, Maiia | A specialist sliding sash window for EnerPHit developments in UK | 201 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang | Retrofitting with façade intefrated micro-heat pump and MVHR - a European case study | 205 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang | Innovative ventilation & heating system for Passive Houses - a European case study | 211 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Haiduk, E.; Mahdavi, A.; Pont, U.; Schuss, M.; Sustr, C.; Ghazi Wakili, K. | High-performance aerogel insulating plaster for historic plaster façades | 217 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Schulz, Tanja; Ottinger, Oliver | Recommendations for EnerPHit retrofits with interior insulation - certifying interior insulation systems for EnerPHit | 221 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Sánchez, Isabel; Fernández, Cristina; Rico, Elena; Porras, César; Martin, David | Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Step by Step Retrofitting Projects | 227 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IV | Dekant, Christoph | Newly certified: Passsive House loft ladder | 231 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Freundorfer, Franz | Windows of efficiency class phA+ - a further step towards cost efficient PH | 235 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Ugovšek, Aleš; Šubic, Barbara; Rep, Gregor; Humar, Miha | Thermally modified wood - applicable material for passive windows - theory and practise | 241 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Schlagowski, Günter; Kwiatkowski; Sławomir Tomasz | The production of Passive House Standard windows in a Passive House certified production hall | 247 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Rudolph, Andreas; Slawik, Stefan | Safety and usability of certified Passive House inclined post-and-beam designs | 249 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Hülsmeier, Frank | Resource-optimized, slender sandwich façades | 255 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Ottinger, Oliver | Heat losses through chimney systems in Passive House buildings | 259 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Foppe; Johannes | The EMS+SI element assenbly system - the easy way to install windows and doors in the insulation level | 261 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Naumann; Andreas | Timbered Passive House, the 3 G+ construction system from single-family homes to timbered complexes | 265 | |
2015 | 19 | Session V | Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick | Heat loss via internal drainage vent pipes | 269 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Grove-Smith, Jessica; Feist, Wolfgang | The PER sustainability assessment | 273 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Schütze, Alexandre; Kowalski, Miroslaw | Consideration of complex shading situations in the PHPP based on light simulation | 281 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Werner, Matthias; Gopp, Sebastian; Geisler-Moroder, David; Junghans, Bert; Ebert, Oliver | Simplified façade planning in terms of demand for artificial lighting, heating, and cooling | 285 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Andreou, Eleni; Pelsmakers, Sofie; Altamirano, Hector; Halliday, Sandy | Should the Passivhaus standard include the environmental impact of materials in its standard? | 291 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Lewis, Sarah | PHPP Illustrated | 297 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VI | Hasper, Wolfgang | Enhanced Training Materials for Passive House Designer Courses | 299 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | Tribus, Michael | Step-by-step refurbishment of a school and residence hall in use | 303 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | Malzer, Harald Konrad; Pfluger, Rainer | The first certified EnerPHit office high-rise - modernizing with Passive House components | 309 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | von Meding, Reimar | Veilige Veste - the first passive house office complex retrofit in the Netherlands | 317 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | Höfler, Karl | Innovative retrofits towards Plus Energy buildings | 323 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | Stuffer, Oscar; Troi, Alexandra; Carí, Valentina | Deep energy retrofit of an architectural heritage building: an historic villa on Lake Como | 329 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VII | Goossen, Carl-Peter | A practival approach for a integrated refurbischment with a scrum team | 335 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Kaufmann, Berthold; Hennecke, Christian | Xingfubao Passive House Building in Urumqi - lessons learnt | 341 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Ruge, Peter | Best Practice in Southern China - Passive House Bruck | 347 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Michulec, Dawid; Schöberl, Helmut | Certified Passive House in China with planning and implementation done by Chinese firms | 353 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Zhengjie, Yu; Rongen, Ludwig; Fei, Han | Challenges of implementation of Passive House construction in the present stage in China | 359 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Yao, Yi; Deng, Lanbo | Opportunities and Obstacles for the Development of Passive House in China | 365 | |
2015 | 19 | Session VIII | Xu, Wei; Qiao, Biao; Liu, Yan; Sun, Deyu | The application of high performance envelope in residential building in China | 369 | |
2015 | 19 | Plenary Session | O'leary, Tomás; Moreira, Mariana | Trans-European EnerPHit Case Studies Lead the Way | 377 | |
2015 | 19 | Plenary Session | Krick, Benjamin | Classic, Plus, Premium: the new Passive House classes and how they can be reached | 383 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Schnieders, Jürgen | Active cooling in Passive House - strategies for active cooling systems | 395 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Laidig, Matthias; Zeller, Joachim | How well does a compact device with fresh air heating work in practice? Measurement results | 401 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer | The use of active overflow systems for the distribution of fresh air in apartments | 407 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Kierulf; Bjørn | Advantages of a wall integrated centralised ventilation unit | 413 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang | Critical analysis of solar domestic hot water and solar space heating algorithms in PHPP | 419 | |
2015 | 19 | Session IX | Gilliland, Allen | Ansynchronous Air Circulation for Simplified Ventilation and Space Conditioning | 425 | |
2015 | 19 | Session X | Hässig, Werner; Wyss, Sara | Optimization of thermal bridges in buildings subject to earthquake loads | 433 | |
2015 | 19 | Session X | Kellner, Steven | Multistory Passive House office complex | 439 | |
2015 | 19 | Session X | Tywoniak, Jan; Calta, Vítězslav; Staněk, Kamil | Education and office complex of the Partnerství Foundation in Brünn | 445 | |
2015 | 19 | Session X | Plesser, Stefan; Görtgens, Adrian; Ahrens-Hein, Oliver-N.; Wussler, Maik | Evaluation of eight Passive House day care centers in Hanover | 451 | |
2015 | 19 | Session X | Herklotz, Dietmar | Experience as a Passive House auditor | 457 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Fujara, Marianne | Lessons learnt from the project - the PassREg idea remains valid | 467 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Genchev, Zdravko | The Passive House concept leads to the nearly zero-energy building | 471 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Tzanev, Dragomir | The New Passive House Regions Take On the Energy Revolution | 475 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Bermich, Ralf | Passive House performance on a large scale: Excperience from the Passive House district Heidelberg-Bahnstadt | 478 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian | What does Passive House do for architecture? | 485 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XI | Rose, Clarence | Passive goes NZEB, barriers and solutions in building regulations | 491 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Bastian, Zeno; Pedersen, Søren; Arnăutu, Dragoş | Stepwise EnerPHit Retrofit: New Certification Scheme and Online Platform | 501 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Camal, Simon | Practical implementations of step by step retrofit to EnerPHit standard | 507 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Robinson, Adam | EuroPHit: Models for Financing Step-by-Step Refurbishments | 513 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Theumer, Susanne; del Carmen Rivero Arias, Maria | Cost-optimised Standard for Social Housing retrofit in Mexico: EnerPHit | 519 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Baeli, Marion | Lessons learned from 20 UK residential retrofits | 525 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XII | Parada, Marlene; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Oliveira, Rui; Vicente, Romeu; Alves, Ana | Energy retrofit of a XIX century building in Portugal | 531 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Grossklos, Marc | Passive House with surplus energy or Efficient House Plus? Paths towards surplus energy | 537 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Hensel, Christoph; Bretzke, Axel | A comparison of the Passive House concept and the Solar House with a further development towards Plus Energy House | 534 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Tepe, Rainer; Büttner, Christoph | Solar-wood heating concepts for Passive House | 549 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Schöberl, Helmut; Bednar, Thomas | Austria's largest Plus Energy office complex at Getreidemarkt, Technical University of Vienna | 555 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Nikolaev, B. | Passive House and active buildings will be constructed in Russia! | 561 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Colclough, Shane; Redpath, David; Griffiths, Philip | Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage and the Passivhaus - lessons from 5 years of monitoring | 567 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIII | Thurrott, Joseph | Meeting the heating energy demand using a local, renewable fuel: wood logs | 569 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Beckmannshagen, Lars; Gerbitz, Jan | Passive House as a cornerstone of energy-efficient urban districts - Passive House in Hamburg neighborhoods and at the IBA Hamburg 2013 | 573 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Schwarz, Dietrich | The Neugrüen Mellingen neighborhood, Minergie-A-Eco and P-Eco | 579 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Wohlfahrt, Matthias; Harhausen, Gunnar | Zero-emissions strategy for a neighborhood from the 50s and 60s | 585 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Stelzer, Friedemann | Wilhelminian Style Building in the EnerPHit-Standard with renewable Raw Materials | 591 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Raji, S.; Pauly, M.; Henon, A.; Lopez, J.; Lagière, Ph. | Comparative analysis between PHI standard with current French efficiency regulations | 593 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XIV | Vekemans, Etienne; Camal, Simon | French energy efficiency regulations compared to PHPP | 595 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Wassouf, Michael | Comfort and Passive House in the Mediterranean summer - monitorization of 2 detached homes in Spain | 599 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Bunyesc, Josep | Several examples of monitored Passive House homes from the Mediterranean to the Pyrenees | 605 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Berger, Wolfgang; Nitsch, Bernd | An EnerPHIT retrofit of an apartment in a complex in Bilbao, Spain | 611 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Salman Gürcan, Tuğba | A Cost Effective Retrofittig in Turkey by Adapting EnerPHit Standards to Warmer Climate | 617 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Figueira, José; Figueiredo, António; Vicente, Romeu; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Oliveira, Rui | Thermal Comfort Analysis of Light Steel Frame Passivhaus Dwellings for Southern European Climates | 623 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Figueiredo, António; Vicente, Romeu; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Figueira, José | Overheating and optimization of indoor thermal comfort of Passive House Buidings in warm climates | 625 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Zedillo Velasco, Carlos | SISEVIVE - The energy & environmental efficiency planning tool for low income housing in Mexico | 627 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XV | Kolsuz, Timur | Techstyle Haus - Passive House prototype in membrane construction | 629 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Clarke, Alan | Building a Better Passivhaus School | 637 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Barabás, Béla | Case study - EvoHouse - Eco-passive concept from Romania | 643 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Cohen, Adam J. | Integrated Project Delivery of Passive House, a pathway to high performance at market rate | 649 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Harrmann, André; Armstrong, Lukas | A Multi-Generation Triplex House in the Canadian Rocky Mountains | 655 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | O'Malia, Matthew | Warren Woods Ecology Field Station: 1st certified laboratory in North America | 661 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Steinmetz, Nico | New office building for the Centre of Ecological Movement in Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal | 667 | |
2015 | 19 | Session XVI | Hagermann, Sam | An Economical House “Package” for the Pacific Northwest | 669 |
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