Table of Contents
Built examples: Passive House and EnerPHit worldwide
The best proof of concept are real projects that are in use and providing the energy savings and comfort. The number and variety of projects worldwide is growing rapidly and there are various opportunities to visit and learn about implemented projects, as well as experiences from the client and design teams involved:
- Browse implemented projects worldwide in the online Passive House Database
- Dive into details with the detailed project documentation submitted by Certified Passive House Designers/Consultants and Tradespeople to earn or renew their accreditation. In the Passive House Database, please choose advanced search, Only certified buildings and Project documentations, you can have an overall list.
- Visit a project as part of the International Passive House Open Days
either in person at one of the twice annual event or virtually by browsind the dedicated YouTube playlist of project videos
- Watch a project spotlight webinar hosted by iPHA
- Exchange experience with Passive House designers and learn about their project experiences at the International Passive House Conference, as well as the regional Passive House conference of iPHA affiliate organisations.
- Browse finalists and winners of the Passive House Awards (see below for further information)
The Passive House Standard, being a performance based quality standard, dictates no particular methods of construction. Whether solid construction, timber or composite - architects can design Passive House buildings according to their own preferences. The versatile Passive House Standard is also increasingly being used in retrofits as well as for non-residential buildings of various typologies, such as schools and kindergarten, administrative buildings, manufacturing plants, hotels, supermarkets and even indoor swimming pools. As the Passive House concept is based on physical principles and is a wholistic approach, each building can and should be adapted to its particular climate and the amenities that it offers.
Certified Passive House and EnerPHit projects worldwide
The Passive House Standard is spreading internationally with rapid uptake of certified Passive House buildings worldwide. Visit the map of certified Passive House and EnerPHit projects and access current trends and statistics here.
Selected best practice projects
The following pages feature a variety of best practice examples for both residential and non-residential Passive House buildings featured on Passipedia.
Passive House Award
The international Passive House Award highlights that energy efficient construction is not a foe to beautiful architecture. On the contrary, a building is all the more beautiful when it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, healthy, comfortable, affordable and climate friendly. The Passive House Institute has hosted several Passive House Awards and documented the finalists in dedicated books:
The selection of examplary Passive House projects, recognised for their outstanding design in the 1st Passive House Architecture Award (2010), are documented in the photo book “1st Passive House Architecture Award – the Finalists” featuring the 10 award winners and the 14 finalists. Download a pdf preview of the book.
The book of the 2nd Passive House Award (2014) is also available in a print version, as well as in digital form as an online flipbook or pdf download.
The most recent, 3rd Passive House Award (2021) can also be browsed as an online flipbook or ordered in print format in PHI's online shop.
See also
Passive House buildings in use: User experiences and monitoring results
Read more about the dissemination of the Passive House concept