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Passipedia - The Passive House Resource
The future depends on what we do today. Do we need more lignite? There are alternatives!
With #passive house & #EnerPHit we can quickly get out of the fossil dependency.
EnerPHit: The Passive House Standard for retrofits
Built examples: Passive House and EnerPHit worldwide
Quote from Fridays For Future Russia (@FFFRussia): “We reject all military conflicts. In a situation where the world is suffering from climatic, environmental and other crises, war will only exacerbate these crises, it will not help solve them. In the present time, all conflicts must be resolved through diplomacy and not by spilling the blood of civilians in other countries.”
Wars are impacting many people all around the world and in many cases, competition and dependence on fussil energy resources are a cause to these conflicts. We set up a special section on these pages where appropriate substantiated information will be provided about how fossil fuel dependency can be reduced also at short notice. Besides sufficiency measures (yes, these can also help), this will relate above all to easily implementable efficiency measures which enable quite noticeable reductions with reference to safety, health, avoiding harm, saving costs and at the same time reducing CO2 emissions. Energy efficiency (that is the reduction of energy losses) is a decisive contribution to peace with nature - and thus a contribution to peace among humans.
Welcome to Passipedia, the Passive House resource!
Passipedia constitutes a vast array of cutting edge, scientifically sound, Passive House relevant articles. On Passipedia, basic Passive House information and insights are available for all to see, whereas members of the International Passive House Association (iPHA) receive special access to the more in-depth sections. You want to get to know the Passive House concept in short time? As a start, we recommend the video embedded on the right “Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds” by Hans-Jörn Eich (Video under creative commons license "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)).
For Spanish speakers: You may also watch the video: "Los 5 principios básicos del concepto casa Pasiva explicados en 125 segundos por el Consorcio Passivhaus" by INN Solutions.
What is a Passive House
Passive House is a building standard that is truly energy efficient, comfortable and affordable at the same time. Passive House is not a brand name, but a tried and true construction concept that can be applied by anyone, anywhere.
Yet, a Passive House building is much more than “just” a low-energy building:
- Passive House buildings allow for space heating and cooling related energy savings of up to 90% compared with typical building stock and over 75% compared to average new builds. Passive House buildings use less than 1.5 l of oil or 1.5 m3 of gas to heat one square meter of living space for a year – substantially less than common “low-energy” buildings. Vast energy savings have been demonstrated in warm climates where typical buildings also require active cooling.
- Passive House buildings make efficient use of the sun, internal heat sources and heat recovery, rendering conventional heating systems unnecessary throughout even the coldest of winters. During warmer months, Passive House buildings make use of passive cooling techniques such as strategic shading to keep them comfortably cool.
- Passive House buildings are praised for the high level of comfort they offer. Internal surface temperatures vary little from indoor air temperatures, even in the face of extreme outdoor temperatures. Appropriate windows and a building envelope consisting of a highly insulated roof and floor slab as well as highly insulated exterior walls keep the desired warmth in the house – or undesirable heat out.
- A ventilation system imperceptibly supplies constant fresh air, making for superior air quality without unpleasant draughts. A highly efficient heat recovery unit allows for the heat contained in the exhaust air to be re-used.
Why Passive House? Video
A TEDx-talk made by Jeffrey Colley gives all the evidence for the benefits of energy efficient construction.
If you ask yourself “This is too good to be true” take your time and question the information given. For the scientific evaluation you may have a look at "Are the energy savings of the passive house standard reliable?". The know-how to design a passive house and how to improve an existing building step by step to come near to passive house standard - you'll find just here, from the pages of passipedia.
Become Part of the Passive House Community
An ever growing number of initiatives introduce passive house design all around planet Earth. You can become part of that community - iPHA is the international organisation everyone can join; and quite often there are regional affiliates which take substantial action near to your place. Find these affiliates here.
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This is the link to the international Passive House Conference. The place to meet with Passive House experts from all around the globe.