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Affiliate Literature - Planning and Building a Passive House

highperformanceconstructiondetailshandbook04.22.jpgBuilding Certifier Scope of Services - A North American Certifiers Circle Guidance

The guide serves as a flexible communication tool for certifying buildings to Passive House Institute standards, accommodating diverse project types. Customization is advised based on specific project requirements, with consultation from Certified Passive House professionals crucial to ensuring tailored certification processes and the effective delivery of successful Passive House projects.
2024Passive House Network (PHN)
highperformanceconstructiondetailshandbook04.22.jpgHigh-Performance Construction Details Handbook

This handbook brings together selected high-performance construction details from residential projects successfully built in Aotearoa NZ. Out of all the details from every Passive House project certified in this country, the most useful Elements and Junctions were selected and analyzed thermally in detail to ISO standards. CAD data for these generic details is provided, along with R-value calculations plotted for the Elements and thermal bridge performance in terms of PSI and fRSI values provided for the Junctions. Selected commonly-built details (those that only comply with Building Code minimums) are also included for the sake of comparison.
2022Passive House Institute New Zealand (PHINZ)
6adevelopersguide.jpgDeveloper's Guide to Passive House Buildings

Passive House Canada, the national association dedicated to promoting healthier and more comfortable buildings for a sustainable future, has developed this comprehensive guide. It outlines the step-by-step process and valuable resources that aspiring developers can utilize to achieve success in Passive House construction. By following this guide, individuals and professionals can gain the necessary knowledge and tools to create environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and comfortable Passive House buildings that align with the organization's vision.
2016Passive House Canada (PHC)
7howtobuildapassivehouse.jpgTechnical Guidance - How to Build a Passivhaus: Rules of Thumb

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the essential aspects involved in designing and constructing Passive House buildings. The publication covers a wide array of topics, including design approaches, system choices, building fabric, certification, quality assurance, and the critical processes of handover and building maintenance. Through this resource, professionals in the field can gain valuable insights and knowledge to ensure the successful implementation of Passive House principles in their projects.
2015Passivhaus Trust (PHT), UK
8nyphdevelopersguide.jpgA Developer's Guide to Certified Multifamily Passive House Buildings

The NYPH publishes the DEVELOPER'S GUIDE TO Certified Multifamily Passive House Buildings. The guide gives an overview of various aspects of Passive House buildings, their energy efficiency and comfort features, and different certification and building standards criteria.
2015New York Passive House (NYPH)

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affiliate_literature/planning_and_building_a_passive_house.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 10:31 by