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planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings [2021/10/08 13:49] yaling.hsiao@passiv.deplanning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings [2023/12/21 11:34] – [Building automation]
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-====== Non-residential Passive House buildings ====== +====== Non-residential Passive House buildings ======
-The Passive House Standard allows for extremely high levels of comfort as well as enormous energy savings - not only for residential buildings. The Passive House Standard has been successfully realised in many different types of buildings including offices, hostels, factories, administrative buildings, sports halls, schools and kindergartens. \\ +The Passive House Standard allows for extremely high levels of comfort as well as enormous energy savings - not only for residential buildings. The Passive House Standard has been successfully realised in many different types of buildings including offices, hostels, factories, administrative buildings, sports halls, schools and kindergartens.
 +Browse the [[|project database]] to learn about various types of projects built in different parts of the world. You can filter by typology in the advanced search.
 ===== Passive House schools ===== ===== Passive House schools =====
- +Passive House school buildings are particularly interesting. Several school buildings have been realised using this standard and experiences gained from their use are now available: The Passive House Standards allows for energy savings of around 75% in comparison with average new school buildings - and of course there is no need for an additional heating or cooling system. The additional investment costs are within reasonable limits.\\
- +
-The Passive House Standard is a sensible alternative, not only for residential buildings. The Passive House Standard has been successfully realised in many different types of buildings including offices, hostels, factories, administrative buildings, sports halls and kindergartens. \\ +
- +
-Passive House school buildings are particularly interesting. Several school buildings have been realised using this standard and experiences gained from their use are now available: The Passive House Standards allows for energy savings of around 75% in comparison with average new school buildings - and of course there is no need for an additional heating or cooling system. The additional investment costs are within reasonable limits. \\+
 \\ \\
-[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:Passive House schools – Requirements|]]\\+[[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:passive_house_schools_requirements|]]
-[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:how go about it?]] \\+[[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:how_go_about_it|]]
-[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:Air quality in schools|]]  {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}\\ +[[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools:air_quality_in_schools|]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}
-\\ +
-[{{:picopen:riedberg-schule_frankfurt_passivhaus.jpg?400|**Best Practice Example - Riedberg Passive House School**\\ The Passive House primary school and day nursery in Riedberg Frankfurt a.M. was opened in November 2004 after a construction period of only 14 months. The extra costs for achieving the Passive House Standard were a moderate 5.3 % in comparison with the currently valid EnEV (German energy saving regulations) standard. [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe:riedberg_passive_house_school_frankfurt_germany|Read more]]}}]+
-[{{:picopen:secondary_school_in_baesweiler_-_fig_2.jpg?400|**Secondary school in Baesweiler - modernised and energy-optimised to the Passive House Standard – a unique exemplary model!** \\ Besides great environmental benefits like saving 90 % in heating costs and saving 530 tons of CO<sub>2</sub> per year, the decision-makers of the City of Baesweiler made it their objective to contribute to the elimination of a misconception which also many architects subscribe to, that “Passive Houses are thickly insulated, disproportionate, impersonal blocks that are impossible to realise in a good quality architectural style”. [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe:riedberg_passive_house_school_frankfurt_germany|Read more]]}}]+[{{:picopen:riedberg-schule_frankfurt_passivhaus.jpg?500|**Best Practice Example - Riedberg Passive House School** \\ 
 +The Passive House primary school and day nursery in Riedberg Frankfurt a.M. was opened in November 2004 after a construction period of only 14 months. The extra costs for achieving the Passive House Standard were a moderate 5.3 % in comparison with the currently valid EnEV (German energy saving regulations) standard. [[:examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe:riedberg_passive_house_school_frankfurt_germany|Read more]]}}][{{:picopen:secondary_school_in_baesweiler_-_fig_2.jpg?500|**Secondary school in Baesweiler - modernised and energy-optimised to the Passive House Standard – a unique exemplary model!** \\ 
 +Besides great environmental benefits like saving 90 % in heating costs and saving 530 tons of CO<sub>2</sub> per year, the decision-makers of the City of Baesweiler made it their objective to contribute to the elimination of a misconception which also many architects subscribe to, that “Passive Houses are thickly insulated, disproportionate, impersonal blocks that are impossible to realise in a good quality architectural style”. [[:examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe:riedberg_passive_house_school_frankfurt_germany|Read more]]}}]
 ---- ----
 ===== Passive House office buildings ===== ===== Passive House office buildings =====
-**Certification of Passive House office buildings** - Passive House office buildings are certified by the Passive House Institute (PHI) based on standard occupancy level and corresponding internal gains of 3.5 W/m² (the reference area being the “treated floor area” of the PHPP, not the office area). From the PHI’s experience this value represents a typical average, taking into account an improved efficiency of the equipment used. The reasons why the PHI uses standard values for certification are partly to be able to ensure consistency and also because the use of a building is often not permanent and not always prior known[[certification:certified_passive_houses:certification_of_passive_house_offices|Read more]] \\ +Office buildings are a popular typology to be built as Passive House or retrofitted as EnerPHit.
 +Passive House office building certification is based on a standard occupancy level and corresponding internal gains of 3.5 W/m² (the reference area being the “treated floor area” of the PHPP, not the office area). From the PHI’s experience this value represents a typical average, taking into account an improved efficiency of the equipment used. The reasons why the PHI uses standard values for certification are partly to be able to ensure consistency and also because the use of a building is often not permanent and not always prior known.\\
 +[[:certification:certified_passive_houses:certification_of_passive_house_offices|Read more]]
 ---- ----
 +[{{ :picopen:img_9483_eingangsfront_detail_heller.jpg?380|**Passive House indoor swimming pool in Lünen, Germany** \\
 +Lippe-Bad was built as a pilot projet to demonstrate the Passive House concept for indoor swimming pools.}}]
 ===== Passive House swimming pools ===== ===== Passive House swimming pools =====
-[{{ :picopen:img_9483_eingangsfront_detail_heller.jpg?300|**Passive House indoor swimming pool in Lünen** \\ The indoor swimming pool in Lünen was built based on the Passive House approach established for this type of building in fundamental research by the Passive House InstituteIn order to verify the effectiveness of the concept and approaches in the afore mentioned baseline study and to identify further potentials for optimisation, comprehensive monitoring of the pool was carried out during the first 1.5 years of operation\\ [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_swimming_pools|Read more]]}}]+Swimming pools are a very energy intensive building typology. The energy demand can be reduced significantly by consistently applying the high energy efficiency approach of the Passive House conceptThis not only contributes to climate protection but also entails savings for the financial resources of a municipality.
 +The general concept and pracitcal design guidelines for energy efficiency strategies are published in the [[.:guides_and_aids:planning_guidelines_for_ph_indoor_swimming_pools|Planning Guidelines for Passive House Swimming Pools]].
-**Energy efficiency in public indoor swimming pools** \\+Go to the [[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:swimming_pools:start|overview]] of all articles on Passipedia about swimming pools.
-The Passive house concept can be applied as a guiding principle for swimming pool buildings as well; the objective is to achieve optimal thermal comfort with significantly reduced energy consumption. The following article is a combination of different publications that deal with the basic principles of applying the Passive House concept for public indoor swimming pools. \\ +----
-[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:swimming pools:Energy efficiency in public indoor swimming pools|Read more]] \\ +
 +[{{ :picopen:25366802027_f52cdc3054_z.jpg?400|Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst Rohbau February 2018 © Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst}}]
-----+===== Passive House Hospital =====
 +Conventional hospitals are among the buildings with very high energy consumption values and incur special demands for the comfort of patients which must be met in a reliable way. The application of the Passive House concept appears extremely interesting in this context. A common misunderstanding is the assumption that energy efficiency efforts are only concerned with the minimisation of the heating demand. The basic idea however is to achieve a significant reduction in the demand for all energy-relevant applications in a building while maintaining the same level of comfort.
 +[[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals:start|Passive House Hospital]]
-===== Passive House concept in hospitals ===== +[{{ :picopen:fig14_10.png?150| }}]
-[{{ :picopen:25366802027_f52cdc3054_z.jpg?400|Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst Rohbau Februar 2018 © Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst}}] +
-**Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals** \\+
-//This article is published in the [[|Conference proceedings]] of the 18<sup>th</sup> International Passive House Conference 2014://+===== Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens =====
-Evaluations of consumption statistics show that hospitals are among the buildings that consume the most energy. To evaluate and tap the conservation potential of retrofits and energy-efficient new buildsthe State of Hesse studied basic issues for the implementation of the Passive House Standard in hospitals while constructing new build for the Frankfurt Höchst Clinic. [[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph hospitals:Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals|Read more]] \\ +Commercial kitchens are one of the most energy-intensive areas of buildingsIn addition to cooking, dishes are washed and food is kept cool, all of which require a lot of energy; in additioneach of these processes creates a lot of internal heat and moisture, which has to be drawn out of the kitchen with sufficiently dimensioned ventilation systems due to which large part of the energy used in commercial kitchens is devoted to ventilation.
-[[|Download]] (pdf 5,8 MB) of the long version of the report "Baseline study on implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals" on  //(only available in German language)// \\ +[[.:commercial_kitchens_and_cafeterias|]]
-**Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals** \\+----
-//This article is published in the [[|Conference proceedings]] of the 18<sup>th</sup> International Passive House Conference 2014://+[{{ :picopen:fig_6_rewe_in_hannover.png?400|REWE in Hanover/Wettbergen, ©PHI}}]
-Certain areas of hospitals require great air flows, with especially high air exchange rates found in operation rooms, labs, and areas where utensils are sterilized. Ventilation systems therefore make up a significant share of total energy demand. In addition, a large number of individual components are needed to filter and purify the air in compliance with hygienic and functional requirements for individual hospital areas (especially operating rooms). The sum of these individual pressure losses has a great impact on ventilators' power consumption. [[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph hospitals:Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals|Read more]] \\  +===== Passive House retail / supermarkets =====
 +There are several examples of retail buildings to the Passive House standard. The most popular retail typology are supermarkets, which are absolutely essential to the modern food supply chain and a widespread building type. They are also very energy-intensive buildings with great potential for optimization. By now, the Passive House Institute has gathered over ten years of experience with these buildings, both as new constructions and as retrofits. Several examples can be found in the [[|project database]] (advanced search for category "supermarket").
-----+Watch the [[:webinars:supermarketinaustria|iPHA Project Spotlight recording]] to learn more about the theoretical concepts of applying Passive House to supermarkets and how these have been implementd in real-life examples across Austria.
 +Additional relevant background information on selected topic relevant for retail buildings can also be found in the 40th edition of the "Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses". The full publication "Passive House Retail Stores" is available in print format in German: [[|Protocol Volume No. 40]]. The following articles from this resource have been translated into English and are available here on Passipedia:
-===== Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens ===== +  * [[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_retail|]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} 
 +  * [[:phi_publications:pb_40:high-traffic_entrance_areas|High-traffic entrance areas]]
-{{ :picopen:fig14_10.png?250| }}Commercial kitchens are one of the most energy-intensive areas of buildings. In addition to cooking, dishes are washed and food is kept cool, all of which require a lot of energy; in addition, each of these processes creates a lot of internal heat and moisture, which has to be drawn out of the kitchen with sufficiently dimensioned ventilation systems due to which a large part of the energy used in commercial kitchens is devoted to ventilation.+===== Passive House Laboratories =====
-[[Commercial kitchens and cafeterias]]+Passive House laboratories are a very specific form of non-residential building. Moreover, the term describes a very heterogeneous mixture of usages, ranging from light-duty, slightly extended office use to heavily ventilated buildings with very strong internal heat sources and hazardous substances in the extracted air.
 +Read more about [[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:laboratories|]]
 ---- ----
-===== Passive House retail =====+===== Building automation =====
-[{{ :picopen:fig_6_rewe_in_hannover.png?400|REWE in Hanover/Wettbergen©PHI}}] +The achievable level of energy efficiency of buildings is mainly determined by the building design and selection of the quality of building components during the planning and execution phasesConsumption later on is also influenced by actual building use. In non-residential buildingscontrol parameters have an influence to a relevant degree (e.goperating times, supply temperatures, air flow/balancing of ventilation systems)Building automation offers an opportunity to optimise operation in terms of energy. However, appropriate control variables and strategies for typical non-residential Passive House buildings may differ from conventional approaches.
-//These and more articles can be found in [[|Protocol Volume No40]] about "Passive House Retail Stores" of the "Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses" (only available in German)// \\+
-[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:Passive House Retail|Introduction: Retail stores as Passive Houses]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}\\+Identifying malfunctions as well as unsuitable operating parameters based on observations is the task of technical monitoring, which is recommended for systematic commissioning and optimising operations.
 +Last but not least, the perspective of the users should always be considered right from the planning stage, which explicitly includes the technical operations personnel.
-=== Nr.40 Passive House retail establishments  === +[[.:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:building_automation|Read more here]]
-  * [[phi_publications:PB 40High-traffic entrance areasHigh-traffic entrance areas]] +
 ---- ----
 ===== Retrofitting non-residential buildings to the Passive House / EnerPHit-standard ===== ===== Retrofitting non-residential buildings to the Passive House / EnerPHit-standard =====
-**Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit-projects** \\+**Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit-projects**
-Does it make sense to retrofit non-residential buildings with Passive House components if the buildings have a lot of internal heat sources? \\ +Does it make sense to retrofit non-residential buildings with Passive House components if the buildings have a lot of internal heat sources? \\ [[:basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency:economic_feasibility_of_passive_house_retrofits:factors_that_influence_the_energy_balance_and_affordability_of_non-residential_enerphit_projects|Read more]]
-[[basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency:economic_feasibility_of_passive_house_retrofits:factors_that_influence_the_energy_balance_and_affordability_of_non-residential_enerphit_projects|Read more]] \\ +
 === Nr.48 Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings === === Nr.48 Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings ===
-  * [[phi_publications:Summary Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings|Summary - Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings]]  {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} \\ + 
-  * [[phi_publications:Summer situations in refurbished non-residential buildings|Summer situations in refurbished non-residential buildings]]  {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} +  * [[:phi_publications:summary_-_using_passive_house_technology_for_retrofitting_non-residential_buildings|Summary - Using Passive House technology for retrofitting non-residential buildings]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} 
-\\ \\+  * [[:phi_publications:summer_situations_in_refurbished_non-residential_buildings|]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}
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 ====== See also ====== ====== See also ======
-[[phi_publications:Nr41: Solar gains – sun protection – daylight use – internal heat sources – artificial lighting – EDP equipmentExperiences with the lu-teco office building| Solar gains – sun protection – daylight use – internal heat sources – artificial lighting – EDP equipment: Experiences with the lu-teco office building]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}+[[:phi_publications:nr._41:solar_gains_sun_protection_daylight_use_internal_heat_sources_artificial_lighting_edp_equipment:experiences_with_the_lu-teco_office_building|Solar gains – sun protection – daylight use – internal heat sources – artificial lighting – EDP equipmentExperiences with the lu-teco office building]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} 
 +[[:phi_publications:pb_41:planning_tools_for_the_summer_situation_in_non-residential_buildings|Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}
-[[phi_publications:PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings|Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}+[[:phi_publications:nr.51_air_quantities_and_operating_methods_in_non-residential_buildings|]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}
-[[phi_publications:nr.51_air_quantities_and_operating_methods_in_non-residential_buildings]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}} 
planning/non-residential_passive_house_buildings.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 10:52 by jgrovesmith