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    2021/06/23 17:27
    References for:
    Achieving climate neutrality in the building sector by 2050
    Klimatická neutralita budov do roku 2050
    Konstrukce a monitoring první veřejné školy v USA v pasivním standardu
    Pasivní dům – rozvoj ve všech směrech
    Větrání a kvalita vzduchu v bytech po rekonstrukci s běžným větráním okny a s řízeným větráním
    Comparison of accounted costs of renovation: a low energy building and a Passive House side by side
    The Passive House as a prototype of the "Nearly Zero Energy Building"
    Las Vegas: A location in a hot, dry climate
    Dubai: A location in a hot, humid climate
    Condensation on exterior surfaces in tropical climates
    Design guidelines for tropical Passive Houses
    Free-running buildings in tropical climates
    Interior insulation in tropical climates
    Mechanical services in tropical climates
    Design guidelines for tropical Passive Houses
    Mumbai: A location in a tropical climate
    Mumbai: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
    Salvador da Bahia: A location in a tropical climate
    Salvador da Bahia: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
    Singapore: A location in a tropical climate
    Singapore: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
    Hygrothermal analysis of building components for the location Singapore
    Hygrothermal analysis of building components for tropical climates
    Summary of the parametric studies for tropical climates
    Frost protection for ventilation heat recovery
    Frost-free foundations
    Yekaterinburg: A location in a cold climate
    Yekaterinburg: Findings
    Yekaterinburg: Parameter variations
    Results of the parameter studies - Basement Ceiling Insulation
    Results of the parameter studies - Compactness
    Results of the parameter studies - Infiltration
    Results of the parameter studies - Roof Insulation
    Results of the parameter studies - Wall Insulation
    Results of the parameter studies - Window Area
    Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
    Passive House in warm climates - best-practice strategies
    Passive Houses in South-West Europe - a theoretical analysis
    Shanghai: A location in a subtropical, mild climate
    Solutions for heating and cooling supply in moist-warm climates
    Version 1: Supply air heating and cooling
    Version 2: heating, cooling, and dehumidification in all supply air rooms
    Version 3: Heating and cooling through tempered intermediate ceilings, central dehumidification
    Solutions for high outdoor air humidity in the summer
    Tokyo/Hyakuri: A location in a subtropical, mild climate
    Passive House in different climate zones - building services
    Passive House in different climate zones - technical and economic feasibility
    Climate conditions
    Description of the calculation model and method
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Conclusion
    Conventional building in New Zealand
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Humidity
    Insulation levels
    North-oriented window area
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Orientation
    Parameter variations
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Summer comfort
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Thermal insulation
    Thermal mass
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Ventilation
    The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Window quality
    Adapted window qualities
    Climate data sets from EOSWEB
    Choosing locations
    Hygrothermal analysis of building components
    Reference site: Essen
    Dynamic building simulations for Reference Passive Houses
    Nuremberg case study: Air exchange and air distribution testing
    Nuremberg case study: Examination of the external envelope using thermographic imaging
    Nuremberg case study: Testing for airtightness
    Nuremberg case study: Thermographic inspection with reference to building services
    The logical path - From Passive House to zero-emission house: renting without heating bills
    Certification and primary energy balance calculation for compact heat pumps
    Air conveyance
    Wood Stoves
    Non-room-sealed operation
    Room-sealed operation
    Safety considerations
    Available systems, example application and analysis
    Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Appendix
    Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Case study: Schrecksbach, Germany
    Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Cost development
    Systems adapted for the Passive House
    The specific PE value - parameters
    Biomass heating in Passive Houses
    Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Analysis of sound paths
    Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Dimensioning sound insulation
    Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Excitation sources in heat pumps
    Sound protection measures for heat pumps
    Conditions for dimensioning
    Possibilities and limitations for setting up devices
    Practical implementation of the encasing (enclosure)
    Prevention of airborne sound through walls
    Sound protection simulation based on EN 12354
    Soundproofing of doors
    Suspended ceiling with duct installation
    Passive House heating systems in practice - A brief description of the projects
    Passive House heating systems in practice - Classification and procedures
    Passive House heating systems in practice - Electricity consumption
    Passive House heating systems in practice - Heat consumption and heating load
    Passive House heating systems in practice - Primary energy
    Passive House heating systems in practice - Total useful energy and losses
    Parameter variation
    Reduction of the supply air rate in the living room
    Conclusions / planning tips
    Automatic volume flow balancing in ventilation units
    Flow rate adjustment in ventilation systems
    Calculating the Treated Floor Area
    Comparison with dynamic simulation
    PHPP: Active cooling algorithms
    Climate data tool
    Climate data tool for the Southern Hemisphere
    PHPP - Solar DHW worksheet
    Dynamic response of a commercial kitchen
    Energy balance according to PHPP
    Energy flows in cooking equipment
    Energy flows in dishwashers
    Exemplary approaches for kitchen appliances – "solutions in the appliance"
    Reducing demand for extract air
    Air Quality in Schools
    Impact of additional reveal shading (external insulation) on the daylight factor
    Obstructions and atria
    Visual transmission through multi-pane glazing
    Overview of inter-dependence of individual energy efficiency measures
    Heating balances of modernisation variants
    Home ventilation
    Improved airtightness in existing buildings
    Passive House windows
    Structural thermal protection measures
    Suggestions for promoting implementation
    Special features of modernisations
    Main objectives of refurbishments with Passive House components
    Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings
    Basement ceiling insulation
    Roof insulation
    Thermal insulation of the exterior wall
    Interior Insulation – basics
    Minimising thermal bridges in existing buildings
    Basic principles for windows and windows on refurbished projects
    Integration of ventilation ducts
    Optimization of roller shutters and exterior blinds
    Passive House windows completely redesigned
    Required U-values for Passive House windows
    Adapting the certification criteria and glazing for European climate zones
    Heat pumps in Passive Houses – PHPP application
    picopen/picopen.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/18 18:19 by