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27th international Passive House Conference

Innsbruck inspires with retrofit success

Direct link to the conference homepage.

by The Passivhaus Trust

The Passivhaus Trust was delighted to attend the 27th International Passive House Conference in April 2024 held in Innsbruck, Austria. The jam packed, two day conference emphasised the importance of highly energy-efficient renovations for climate protection. Recognising the call to action of making the existing building stock fit for the future, PHT joined over 450 Passivhaus enthusiasts from all over the globe who came together to present and discuss the focal theme “Retrofit - have an impact”.
iphc_27th_international_passivhaus_conference_imagecredit-passivhaus_institut_1.jpgWith over 70 presentations, 12 sessions and 4 plenaries, there was plenty of choice. An international flavour provided something to suit every Passivhaus palette. Passivhaus works just as well in Lithuania as it does in Latin America. Global case studies covering multiple building typologies demonstrated this impressively. We learnt of solutions in challenging hot climates to municipal support for Austrian energy-efficient projects plus delivery of serial renovation following EnerPHit principles.
Held over two days at the University of Innsbruck, the Passivhaus conference included a vast programme of speakers, the latest developments in energy-efficient buildings & retrofitting, supplementary workshops and site visits. Delegates learned about the possibilities of fast and prefabricated retrofits, key technologies for renovation and a new EnerPHit certification for individual apartments.


Progressive policies

Deep retrofit reduces heating demand

Following a deep retrofit, the savings in heating energy are considerable. In the SINFONIA residential projects, this reduction averages a whopping 77%. The renovated buildings simultaneously offer a much higher level of living comfort. The Passive House Institute outPHit project, a finalist in the EUSEW 2024 Awards, is addressing the challenges hindering the execution of high quality deep retrofits and delivering retrofits that are truly fit for the future.

Passivhaus longevity!

Various monitoring projects demonstrated that Passivhaus buildings perform well in the long term. Studies carried out relating to a renovated school in France, a Passive House sports hall in Paderborn built 15 years ago and a detached house in Lithuania proved that the buildings continue to have low energy demands and that the components have a long service life. Reinforced by ten UK retrofits revisited ten years after their extensive modernisation.

International networking

Connecting with so many like-minded people and networking with old and new global friends is invigorating. It is a strength of in-person tradeshows like this and is a powerful reminder that we are part of an international influence.
The PHT team took advantage of getting out of the conference theatre and onto Passivhaus retrofit site tours to round off an inspiring trip. There was an exclusive tour of the hosts “Technik” Campus University EnerPHit and we even enjoyed the beautiful sunny scenery on a special ‘NetWalking’ tour of well-known Passivhaus projects throughout Innsbruck.
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The Trust would like to thank the International Passive House Association for their hospitality and the opportunity to join another excellent conference.

Upcoming Events

If you didn't make it along to Innsbruck, check out the great content on the Passivhaus Accelerator offering bonus podcast interviews from the conference - including one with PHT team members Sarah Lewis, Research & Policy Director and Yogini Patel, Head of Campaigns. From an international conference to one closer to home - join us this September in historic Oxford for the UK Passivhaus Conference 2024. This hybrid event focuses on delivering net zero neighbourhoods. Tickets are on sale now - do not miss the early bird discount!

Find here a direct link to the international passive House conference homepage.